🍇TXT- Lost Him- Part Four

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"No..." They were too late. Mason city was burned to the ground. Nothing but ash remained. Soobin tore through what was left of Jessie's house. Four skeletons were huddled together on the ground. "NO!" He kept telling himself there were survivors somewhere. Anywhere. But there weren't. "WE COULD'VE PREVENTED THIS!" His eyes caught thick tire tracks that dragged out to the road. "YOU FUCKING COWARDS! BURNING A DEFENSELESS CITY TO THE GROUND! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!"

Beomgyu was a mile away with a sniper ready. He saw his target, Soobin Choi lined up perfectly in his scope. "Got you." Just before he fired, Kai stepped into the frame. He saw his love holding the blonde's cheeks. Kai was trying to calm him down. His lips read "it's not your fault" over and over again. Beomgyu's jealousy spiked when they hugged.

The smoke was stinging their eyes. Soobin grabbed his keys then started to walk to the car.

Kai walked closely behind him, unknowingly blocking Soobin from Beomgyu's shot. "Where are we going?"

"Following those tracks. They're going to pay for this."

Beomgyu followed their car until he couldn't anymore. He realized they were going straight towards the base. He had to warn Yeonjun. Once he got into his car, he followed at a distance while calling his boss. "They're headed straight towards you guys. I'm at their tail. I don't think they've seen me yet."

"I'm putting the facility on lockdown." Yeonjun turned towards Taehyun. "You ready to step into the field again?"

"But sir..."

"You know the sequence. I don't. Beomgyu needs to stay hidden for our safety."

Taehyun gulped. He much preferred to stay behind the scenes. That way, there was a sort of "distance" between himself and reality. War was ugly. He hoped this confrontation would be peaceful, though, knowing Yeonjun, he doubted it would. "Yes sir..."

Kai had a feeling they were being followed. He kept looking behind them out of suspicion.

Soobin noticed his boyfriend's odd behavior. "What is it?"

"I can't shake the feeling that we're being watched."

"I feel it too." Soobin pressed on the gas pedal then veered off of the road. He made a sharp right turn to loop around. That unmistakable goverment black van passed them. The windows were tinted but they both knew who it was.

Beomgyu slammed on the breaks. The car came to a screeching halt. He rolled down his window then aimed at the back tires. They weren't getting away from him this time.

Soobin drove in a zig zag pattern. He heard bullets hit the rims. The roar of an engine was becoming dangerously close to the back of their jeep. "Hold on baby!" He put the car into reverse then pressed harder on the gas pedal.

Beomgyu skirted to the left. The jeep barely missed doing serious damaged to the van. His front bumper rolled to the side as he spun around. The other window rolled down. One good shot was all he needed. That jeep was getting away. He steadied his aim and then fired.

The car sped out of control. The second tire was shot. Soobin slammed his palm on the steering wheel repeatedly as he yelled "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!"

Kai saw Beomgyu start to walk up to their car with his AR rifle aimed directly at Soobin. He looked over to the blonde, his beautiful happiness, and knew what he had to do.

Soobin saw Kai get out with his hands raised in the air. "What are you doing?! Baby stop!"

Beomgyu lowered his gun. His aim was still kept onto his target but his focus was locked onto his love.

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