Yeonkai- Cabin in the Woods

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"Kai come on! Run faster!" Yeonjun laughed when he saw his best friend trip over a divet in the grass. "We're almost there!"

Kai brushed the dirt off of his knees then chased after him.

The sun was beating down on the two as they ran through the field. Yesterday, they found a shack on the edge of the woods. Their parents called them home before they could explore it. That wasn't going to happen today.

Yeonjun got there first. He pushed the door open. It made an awful squeaking sound. A large cobweb was brushed to the side. Yeonjun screamed when the daddy long leg crawled up his arm.

"WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?" Kai saw the blonde hyperventilating over the spider. "Really? It's not even big!" He held his hands in a cupped formation then waited for the spider to walk in. "I can't believe you're older than me..."

"I hate bugs."

The spider crawled into Kai's hands. He proceeded to set it onto a nearby tree and let it go free. Yeonjun still hadn't moved from the entrance of the door. The blonde kept looking around for more spiders. Kai gently moved him out of the way so he could walk through. "Wow. I wonder how long it's been since anyone has been here."

There was dusty graffiti on the walls. A couple of old joints were resting on the small table. Yeonjun guessed it couldn't have been that long.

The cabin was very small. No bathroom and no kitchen. Just a square divided into two rooms. The first room was the one they walked into. A dusty couch with a small fireplace and a rug was to the right. To the left laid a small table, two chairs and a storage closet.

Kai came back from the second room to say there was only an old bed, a dresser and another closet. "I wonder who this belonged to."

Yeonjun looked at the walls to read the various graffiti. He pointed to a couple to show Kai. One was a crude drawing of a stick figure with a disproportionate penis. Another was a heart from 1986 with a couple's initials in the middle. "I bet they're broken up by now."

Kai smacked his arm. "Don't say that! That's mean!"

"I swear it's a curse when people do that."

"Whatever you say."

Yeonjun left to check the bedroom. He playfully jumped onto the bed. A cloud of dust came up with it. He coughed his lungs out as he got off. Some dust ended up in his mouth. It tasted horrible. He spit it onto the floor until it was gone. "Ugh."

Kai walked in to see one of the bed legs splintered. He put his hands on his hips then stared in judgement. "You jumped on the bed."

"And paid the price for it. That shit was so gross."

The boys heard a rustling outside. They peaked out of the bedroom window and only saw trees. Kai peered deeper into the woods. There was nothing but nature in the rays of the sunlight. "Maybe it was the wind."

"It wasn't the wind." Yeonjun was rapidly poking Kai's shoulder until the younger saw what he was seeing. A grumbling old man with a bloody axe was walking towards the cabin. He had a limp as he dragged a black trash bag behind him. "We need to leave."

Kai ran to the window. The frame wouldn't budge no matter how hard he shaked it. "Help me!"

Yeonjun wiggled it with all of his might. The boys frantically worked to get it open. It was either nailed down or glued. Either way, the damn thing wouldn't budge.

Kai attempted to remain calm while the blonde silently panicked. He looked for another way out. There wasn't one. He then realized why only the bare minimums were inside of here and it was terrifying. The dresser caught his attention. He started to dig through it.

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