🦄Beomkai- The Edge of Sanity

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Kai was in a dark alley, hiding from the world. Taehyun was calling his cellphone for the 40th time that week. He clutched his stomach in agony as he slid down the wall. All he wanted was blood. He could never stop thinking about blood. Weakly, he answered the phone. "...stop. Fucking. Calling me."


With Kai's new senses, he could hear the rat scurrying behind the dumpster. His eyes dilated. His stomach sharply contracted. "I'm just... really sick." Blood. He fucking wanted the blood.


Kai couldn't stay there any longer. He got up then stumbled upon standing. The phone dropped out of his hands. He groaned as he picked the phone back up. "Taehyun... how are you still alive?"


"I'm doing my best. I'm sorry." Kai walked until he was far away from that fat, juicy, squishable little rat. His vision kept going from clear to blurry. The red brick walls of every building, only further reminded him of blood. When his vision focused again, he saw Beomgyu at the end of the street. He gave him the middle finger then turned to walk in the other direction. That bitch was following him. "Fuck off."

Beomgyu observed Kai as he kept following him at a close distance. The younger was so weak that a toddler could beat him up. That's if he still ignored his bloodlust. "I'll admit, you're lasting longer than any vampire I've ever met before."

"Go away."

"You're not going to die this way. Or at least no vampire has ever lasted long enough to test it."

Kai fell down. Beomgyu tried to help him up but he waved him off. "Consider me the first then." With struggle, he brought himself to his feet. He began to walk again. "I save people. You kill people. I'm not you."

"With your state? You can't save anyone!" Beomgyu picked up a white dandelion from the cracks in the asphalt. "I'll leave you alone for the rest of your life if you can blow all of the seeds off of this."

Kai took it between his fingertips. He inhaled with all of his might. His exhale felt like a small balloon deflating. Only one seed blew off. His stomach sharply contracted again. The dandelion fell to the ground. Kai fell with it while clutching his stomach. "FUCK!"

In a flash, Beomgyu vanished down the street. He was so tired of the younger's savior attitude. He was going to break him. He wanted Kai to betray everything that he stood for. A homeless teenager was digging through the trash of a restaurant. Beomgyu snatched him then ran towards Kai. He held him by his hair as he kicked the back of the boy's knees to make him fall to the ground. "BITE HIM! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!"

The boy was high out of his mind. He didn't realize how much danger he was in as Kai's gaze locked onto the fat vein in his neck. Beomgyu was irritated that the younger still wouldn't bite. He bit into the boy's shoulder. A chunk of flesh spit from his mouth, onto the floor of the alley. Beomgyu then ripped his tounge out so he couldn't scream.

Kai could smell how sweet that red nectar was. Scarlet was pouring from the boy's mouth and shoulder. His fangs exposed themselves. "Beomgyu..."

"Bite him. You know you want to." Beomgyu dragged him right in front of Kai's face. His frustrations were really surfacing. "THIS is the only thing that will make you feel better. You'll be full! You'll be healthy! Your pain will be gone! DRINK HIM!"

Minutes passed. Beomgyu tore the kid's ear off so he would bleed more. His eyes were burning with anger. The younger's will was borderline psychotic. Kai was going to get a taste of blood one way or another. Beomgyu bit the kid's neck and started to drink.

Kai watched that crimson liquid dribble from the vampire's lips. The kid dropped to the ground when Beomgyu finally let go. Next thing he knew, he was pinned to the wall. He felt the older's lips on his. Blood was shot into his mouth. The frenzy started when the first drop hit his tounge. Kai grabbed the back of Beomgyu's head and forced him harder against his body. His tounge tasted every bloody surface of the older's mouth. He briefly pulled off to lick the drops on Beomgyu's jawline that slipped from him lips. He then sunk right back into the kiss. Kai clawed into his back as he finished swallowing the remaining liquid.

Beomgyu took a step backwards when their kiss stopped. He wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand. Kai sunk to the ground when the frenzy was over. He looked depressed. "You feel better don't you?"

"I feel worse."

"You didn't kill him. I did."

"I didn't stop you."

"Get off of that fucking high horse and stop feeling sorry for yourself. You killed my family. You're not the only one suffering!"

Kai glared at him as he looked up. "Just let me die."

"NO. I AM ALONE IN THIS WORLD. YOU'RE THE ONLY PERSON THAT I HAVE AND YOU KILLED MY FUCKING FAMILY!" Beomgyu stood over him when the younger looked at the ground. "You know what Taehyun did to me don't you?"

Kai looked back up with an evil grin on his face. "Of course. I invented it."

Beomgyu knelt down so he could properly look him in the eyes. "You're not dying on me because I'm stuck with you. Got it? I'll save your life over and over just so you can suffer for eternity."

"That sounds like a lot of work." Kai stood up. Taehyun was calling him for the 41st time. He stared down Beomgyu as he answered the phone. "Hey."

"You sound a lot better. Now, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

"Still sick. I'm trying to get healthy but I was poisoned."


"Yeah. Some asshole poisoned me. If I die, I just want you to promise me something."


Beomgyu silently laughed. Taehyun wasn't wrong. Kai rolled his eyes. "Taehyun."

"Fine. What?"

"Promise me that you'll finally end the Choi family."


"Promise me."

"I promise."

Kai hung up then smashed his phone with his foot. He looked at the dead body on the ground. Guilt consumed him. He could've prevented his death had he not been a prisoner to his own body. "I'm sorry."

Beomgyu stood up. "No one was going to miss him."

"Doesn't mean he deserved that."

"There's still some blood left in him."

"I know. I can smell it."

Beomgyu drank the rest. He didn't bother to tempt Kai with it again since the younger had his fill.

All vampires eventually fall to the bloodlust. History proved that. Beomgyu was so revenge driven that he didn't bother to think of a plan on what to do when Kai actually did. The younger would be strong enough to kill him single handedly then. The only thing holding him back, was his morals. The exact thing Beomgyu was dying to break.

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