Vessel- 1 Moon

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3rd person pov
There was a 'vessel' simply named Layla
She was what you'd call a 'quiet kid', she was often silent and kept to herself watching the people around her and only talking to those she knew. She had brown hair and white glasses, a green jacket and some long black stretch pants
As mentioned before she was always oddly quiet but just cause she was quiet didn't mean she didn't do anything in reality she tended to analyze people and how they acted,what they said....what they feared.

"if you're quiet enough people don't think you're even there and the wonders you hear and the secrets they admit thinking you're not even around..." she'd often say if asked about it.

One day this 'vessel' had ventured in the forest behind her house, she never had gone into the forest before but something pulled her toward it, almost as if whatever was there seemed to be calling to her. And she followed ending up at what seemed to be an abandoned castle, broken and disheveled but to was inviting.

She entered through the front it was what you'd expect in a castle till she passed a certain room and froze, that familiar calling that brought her here was seemingly coming from that room in which she entered. It seemed to be a bedroom fit for a king of sorts but as she looked around she noticed the desk that held a apple which didn't seem ordinary though... it was pitch black and had this aura to it almost, the closer she got the more the aura seemed to make every negative feeling or thoughts she had come to light.

That didn't stop her though and she picked up and held the apple close to her as she held it though it seemed to almost seep into her skin and gave a burning sensation yet she never let go. Her body felt like it was on fire and it hurt so much she fell on her knees and covered her mouth as she kept coughing but she still held the apple as it seemed to be absorbing into her skin, it felt like the painful burning feeling lasted forever but in reality it lasted maybe a few minutes then it stopped.

She slowly stood up having to hold onto the bed nearby to help her stay up, her head was pounding and she felt dizzy and there was this odd weight on her back and the apple seemingly gone, Though she still felt something was missing and calling to her so she kept looking holding onto whatever she could to keep her up till she found it. There were a few blue strings that had this odd glitching look to it; She grabbed them as they seemed to wrap around her hand perfectly.

She finally got used to the extra weight on her back and she could walk without the needed help, she kept walking till she passed a mirror which made her freeze and go back to it. Her reflection showed she definitely changed, for one she has new clothes then she entered with a new black with bits of blue jacket and black shirt, she now had shorts with one having a blue mark at the and and the other side teal mark near the end plus what looked like one long red sock that covered one of her entire legs, She had a blue scarf which she couldn't help but try and fiddle with just a bit and a belt with a teal buckle.

her physical appearance changed as well her hair now black and blue with the tips highlighted in teal, her face also had differences one of her eyes had what looked like tears coming down that almost blended into her skin like it was just a mark and the other had a different mark that looked like it was dripping of sorts and was slightly darker then the other.

She turned to her side and noticed black tentacles coming from her back but it was only on one side and there were just three with teal tips at the end of each one. The few thing that hadn't changed were her glasses and human skin. Normally any person would be terrified or freaking out but...she didn't instead she couldn't help but grin, to her this felt amazing and fulfilling it almost felt as if she had this power to her and that the calling or craving she had before finally stopped like it was now satisfied and she felt whole for once.

She put her hair up not wanting the tentacles she now had to tangle it or rip it by accident though as she did she heard voices, two different ones in her mind she didn't quite recognize. The two voices seemed to know eachother as they spoke intruding themselves as 'Nightmare' and 'Error' the guardian n king of negativity and the destroyer of worlds. The three realized they had made a merge together allowing the two seemingly dead monsters to come back to life using her as a true vessel of sorts.

She agreed to take on their roles but before they left they knew they needed some form of new identity. It took quite some time but they finally agreed to one... 'Moon' the new harbinger of negativity and destroyer of worlds. Why moon you'd ask? Well it had importance to all three of them, the crown on nightmares head had a Cresent moon and errors only world he wouldn't destroy was outertale were you could watch the moon and the stars forever and Layla well she was always one to stay awake at night and simply study the moon and stars that went by the part of her that used to make her feel normal.

Now with this new identity made they left the castle Moons tentacles swaying behind her the old identity she held onto before...layla was left behind to rot away and be left in the 'dust' behind her. The three barely squabbled if only very few times, they all had the same vision and similar mindsets now after all. As moon tested their new powers they felt a rise in negativity in an world different from hers yet so similar and they went to investigate that new growing negativity. It seems now a new tale was just beginning....

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