vessel 2- Dagger

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Moon's pov
I arrived at wherever the negativity I sensed earlier came from, "ugh I have a headache might have to get use to that feeling less I find a different way to get around these worlds..." I mumbled more to myself then to anyone in particular.

I decided to explore what exactly this place is and getting to more higher ground on top of a nearby trees highest branch and sat on it. As I looked I saw what most definitely caused the negativity in this place as there stood puddles of blood and body's as well with one human standing in the middle of all of it.

"That certainly doesn't make you look suspicious at all..." a voice in my head known as error spoke, I didn't respond to him as I tried to get a better look at the strange human. They finally turned and I could examine their face for one they had pitch black eyes one only having a small white eye and the other a bit bigger red eye, speaking of their eyes one has similar tear marks to my own but they didn't seem to blend into their skin like mine. The other had their eye look as if it had a hole in strange but at the same time kinda cool looking.

"So I was right it is them thought they wouldn't return" the other voice in my head known as Nightmare. "Care to elaborate?" I asked watching the humans movements "that 'human' there is more similar to you, they act as a vessel to two of my subordinates from the past" he explained "subordinates huh? So you truly were a king" I mumbled beginning to stand from my position on the tree. "It'd certainly explain the bloody mess around em" error said looking through my eyes at the quite gorey scenerie. "Any advice on how to interact with em if you know them so well" I asked beginning to head down from the tree branch I was on.

"The actual vessel/host no but for my subordinates just try to keep a distance from them if you do show yourself the one named killer should recognize the part of you that looks like me atleast the other I'm...unsure if he'd be as quick to recognize it..." nightmare said. I nodded keeping it in mind as I slowly approached still hidden in the shadows from the different trees. "Quite the mess you've made huh? I will certainly say it is fascinating just how much you can do" I said loud enough for them to hear.

They immediately turned to the direction of my voice holding a butchers knife in one hand and a regular kitchen knife in the other. "Who the hells there?!" They asked looking around and to me they sounded more on the masculine. I also noticed their outfit a blue jacket with grey fuzz, they also had a target that followed their body to me it seemed like a soul almost. "Just someone whose interested by your work I must say it's certainly...tasteful" I said looking around at the still bloody mess around them.

"Quit hiding! You're not scaring anyone" they said seeming agitated at my words "it wasn't even me who did this..." they mumbled but I was able to hear it as when they spoke I silently got closer still in the shadows. "That's certainly odd isn't it?" I asked as the 'human' turned and began to walk away annoyed by my words till I finally decided I would be done messing them.

"Killer and the other correct? I must say from what I've been told the two are certainly chaotic huh?" I finally stepped from the shadows tentacles swaying gently behind my as I grinned at they stopped and turned to me in surprised and confusion. "How did yo-" "your not the only one who happened to merge with such strange souls yknow" I said interrupting them before they finished a hand on my hip as I looked to the side away from them. "So now let's start a proper introduction shall we?" I crossed my arms "I'm moon the new guardian of negativity and destroyer of worlds" I began, looking at them as I gave a bow they didn't respond at first as I felt their hesitation.

"Dagger simply call me Dagger" they said lowering their guard just a bit, perfect now asking them to be on my side of things will be much easier. "Great now that seemed like a much better start now wasn't it?" I asked and even they noted my obvious sarcasm "now we-" "the only reason I'm trusting you is cause he says too so don't think were exactly buddy buddy yknow" Dagger interrupted me this time. "Fair enough" I stated they weren't exactly wrong "Well shall we atleast leave this area? It is still quite messy after all" I looked to them as they paused not in hesitation but more in thought, seems they were speaking to the two though from the negativity I felt they didn't seem to get along with eachother much.

'Least i get more negativity out of this huh?' I thought. "Yeah yeah great now shouldn't we be heading to do my part of the job?" Error asked, ah right he was the impatient one 'right right gimme a bit' i mumbled to him thankfully Dagger being too distracted to hear me. "Well? I'll need your answer quick yknow I'm a very busy person after all" I said turning away from them like I would leave. "Wait!-" Dagger said as I grinned while faced away from him before turning back my face being like from before.

"What do I get if I leave with you?" They asked "how about a break from the twos antics they've shown today from now on" I said that certainly seemed to get their attention. "Fine...I'll follow" they said eyes looking to the side as they now followed beside me, perfect~ now someone to join me in this new world I'll create....

So to those who wanna know more of Dagger and the beginning part of what happened you can find that and Dagger creator you can find that here oc and their story made by my good friend YourLocalBiDemon ^^

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