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Moons pov
I stared down at her for a few minutes contemplating my choice till I used my tentacles to stab the tree and close to the side of her head, a warning basically and forced her up with my tentacles and pushed her back towards the old house. "I don't ever wanna see you again so leave and be lucky I let you live" I said as grace ran away towards the old house; I sighed and continued towards the castle. "Why'd you let her live after what she's done to you I mean you had the chance but you just.....let her go?" Error asked me confused as to why I didn't outright stab her in the chest when i had the chance.

"I didn't kill her because I'm saving it for the other one the one who actually made me fully what I am" i said staring down at the dirt below me, "if i were to kill anyone first it's going to be Mrs Jane" I mumbled as I finally reached the castle going inside I noticed Dagger on their phone. I didn't know whether to say anything or just be silent after what happened earlier I decided maybe just giving a silent wave would be better then trying to have a conversation so that's what I did.

I got myself a chocolate to try and calm my nerves from before my tentacles still sharpened but I didn't notice at first I just walked by them up to my room only giving a simple wave to them. I entered my room and locked the door behind me, I tried to calm myself but nothing seemed to work as I leaned against the door slowly sliding down before sitting there knees to my chest and head in my arms, dejavu huh? I could feel tears run down my face and I was even slightly shaking.

"Woah hey, hey its alright" I heard nightmares voice but I kept my head down, why was I shaking so much? Why was I panicking?.....I felt my tentacles wrap gently around me most likely nightmares attempt to calm me down....'I was quiet, I always am after all.....the two had seemingly always hated me especially grace with how often she called me a quiet freak so why do I care? Why do I feel so upset and hurt by they're words......maybe it's cause they've been the only thing to family I've ever known I mean did I ever have a family? Am I just an escaped lab rat? I never had friends either does Dagger even see me as a friend? Probably not....who knows at this point certainly not me' my thoughts kept bouncing inside my head I couldn't calm down I was trying but I just couldn't- "Hey, hey moon shh it's okay just listen to our voice alright?" I slightly lifted my head up as I heard errors voice.

For once he seemed calm and this was the second time he's helped calm me down from panicking. "There we go just listen to our voice you'll be fine" nightmare spoke this time as I started to wipe my tears my tentacles helping me, I was sniffing and had slight hiccups to. I started to get up from my spot, "there you go maybe some rest will help" error said as I began walking to my bed my tentacles helping so i didn't fall down, yeah a nap would sound pretty good right about now......I got to my bed and laid on it falling asleep rather quickly.

I looked around blinking a few times before recognizing where I was. "Huh?, Why am i?-" "I brought you here" I heard nightmare say as he sat next to me. "That doesn't fully explain why though" I said to him as he got closer. "I thought you needed one of these and I didn't wanna hear errors complaining" he said though I was confused, "need one of wha-" I was interrupted as nightmare hugged me.....I was surprised I didn't expect him to be a hugging person. "You can let it out here its fine" he said and I couldn't help it as started falling down my face again as I hugged hum as he simply held me.

This was be hugged like this......I don't how long it lasted as time works very differently here in the dreamscape but still it was nice. After what felt like a few minutes we stopped and he looked at me. "Look I may be the guardian of negativity so it's strange what I did but as I remind error so many times we have to take care of the host which would be you, as much as I like negativity you aren't exactly 'able to do much' when you're all panicky and everything" he explained and I understood what he ment and nodded.

"And hey I was able to absorb a bit of the negativity so it wasn't entirely for nothing" he said with a smirk as I gave him a 'are you serious' face. "But really are you okay now? You all better?" He asked making sure "Yeah but just let me stay here a bit longer to fully collect myself and not look like a complete mess when i go back out there" to which he agreed.

Grace's pov
"Mom I need you to explain to me what happened- no not even that what is Layla? She's not human I know that much" I said to my mother as she helped wrap bandages around where I was hurt. "She is what we call a vessel creatures that look human and act and function like humans but are more similar to monsters allowing them to hold and use monster magic, they're dangerous though every single one of them no matter what they've merged with" she explained to me as I looked up at her. "That's why I'm making the solution to 'fix' her"

Another chapter done hope you all enjoy and reminder Dagger and their story and side of things and character belongs to YourLocalBiDemon so please go look at their story for a better understanding ^^

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