a little help/vessel 7 and 8:Atius n Mercia

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Kit's pov
Me and Corbin walked out from the forest back to where we were originally. "y'know it was nice hanging out with you I'd really like for us to hang out more often honestly" I spoke walking beside him. "that would be nice" he said with a small smile, "how about I give you my number so we can text each other more often" I asked looking over to him. "Sure why not" he said as we exchanged numbers so we could text and talk more.

I then decided to start heading back home I had been out for a while and I didn't want any of them to really worry, of course I said goodbye to Corbin first then began to leave after. Returning back to my home I was more used to teleporting so thankfully I didn't have any headache or anything like I did originally. I had purposely teleported a bit far away from the castle to give myself a nice little walk to look around.

As I did I noticed a small child with darkish brown hair, a blue and yellow eye that looked like they were almost crying, a white and gold shirt with white onats and little grey and yellow shoes, they seemed to be looking around aimlessly and doing what was at first strange hand movements like they were trying to find something, though focusing more they were actually using sign language and was looking for help for finding their 'twin' having a slight negative aura around them the main emotion being worry,poor thing... I went over to the child being careful to not startle them as I approached. "Hello there my name is kit, you're looking for your twin it seems right?" I asked wanting to be sure I got their signing right and I must've as they looked up at me and nodded quickly most of their negative emotions that was there dissipating and signing 'my names Mercia'.

"Well Mercia, can you describe your twin to me so I know what to keep an eye out for?" I asked, they nodded and began signing 'light brown short hair, a blue eye and the other is red n black that sometimes has this drip to it like their crying but their not, black broken wings and a black and white dress.' I made sure to keep note of the description though the fact the two had wings reminded me of Lucifer a bit. I walked with the kid around the town keeping an eye out for their twin but I didn't see anyone match the description they gave me. As we kept walking I thought of maybe going to the forest but looking over something about the path that was there. . it was off, trees looked like they were dying that weren't before I left and was shrouded in negativity.

Everything about it gave me just a bad feeling in general but I stopped as I felt a tug at my arm and looked at the kid who looked up at me. 'what if we don't find them?. . . I'm scared cause I don't know the way back from where I came from and we don't even live in a home! we were orphans so it isn't like someone will look for us' they signed a little frantically and their wings came closer to themself like a form of comfort. "Hey don't worry it's gonna be okay, we'll find them soon enough, Maybe you can stay with us I have some friends who can help one of them even has wings like you do so they could get a better view of everything!" I spoke wanting to bring the kid's hopes up.

They seemed to perk up at the mention of a friend having wings like they did. 'does your friends wings look black and are very big?' they signed asking and I nodded, they paused most likely talking to their half over something. 'my half mercy seems to recognize them and wants to talk to them' they signed as their wing flapped a bit most likely to stretch. "Sure I can take you to them I'm sure they won't mind" I spoke and also picked the kid up thinking their legs must've hurt from all the walking we did and began walking to the castle. As I did one of their wings slightly wrapped around me as they laid their head on my shoulder closing their eyes, they must've been more tired then I first thought and patted their head as I kept going mentally noting to wake them up when I got to the castle itself.


Eris's pov
I had finally been able to get up and walk mainly going through the now repaired forest to just clear my head. As I did I noticed a path one filled with everything on the path looking dead or was dying, it was certainly odd even for me so I went to investigate it. Ending up finding a kid that seemed to cause decay to wherever they went and I for one was fascinated by it not even recognizing the kid from this world the most odd part was them wearing a dress in the middle of the forest.

"Well-" I couldn't even start my sentence as I had to dodge some small scythe aimed at me that instead hit the tree behind me. "You done now?" I asked looking at the kid who just glared at me, "who are you exactly?" They asked in an accusatory tone. "If you would've let me finish instead of trying to aim for my head I would've said that and besides I could ask you the same thing pipsqueak" I said though they didn't seem exactly happy at my teasing going silent for a bit.

"I'm Atius the envy of chaos, apparently my half corru find you entertaining somehow" they said rolling their eyes as I was surprised but more intrigued. "Names Eris, a demon of chaos some would say" I said as they looked at me skeptically. "how's about you stay with me for a bit, I've been making what'd you call a small group of fellow enjoyers of chaos" i explained and they began thinking. . .

"Fine only cause I don't really know this place that well.."

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