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Eris's pov
"Oh yes I quite enjoy the mess, I'd Imagine you don't though" I said looking at the fire and body's around. It certainly made me happy atleast, reaper's host certainly didn't enjoy it the way I did but ah well that's his fault not mine or ours. "What are you still doing here anyway?" He asked though sounded tired of the situation, it seemed that brought a smile to Bill as I felt myself smile.

"Just enjoying my view of my work here" I said again watching the carnage that was the lab I burned with a grin, "but I get that you have you're work cut out here so I bid you adieu" I said moving out of the way of the scythe. "Besides I have my eyes on another vessel out there to play with" I added as I walked away "after all...." I paused looking to the side and chuckled

"?yawyna noitcurtsed fo tib a tuohtiw soahc s'tahW" I said in backwards tounge ever since Bill taught me it properly it was fun to say and practice before finally teleporting and leaving with a laugh that though was from my other half and not me It still had its reaction.

Tavnora's pov
I stayed inside watching from the window as alora went to the other two who came inside so I went to see though kept hidden knowing well neither of the two would trust me. They had found some bandages for Hiyori's cuts that I even I could see from her weren't to bad but was most likely a precaution so they wouldn't get infected and get worse.

The two also had a break on a bench to catch their breaths it seemed as I watched from afar. Lucifer had also came back and seemed to make sure the two were okay. Though as they did I heard a distant quiet song? I was curious and seen no one else there so i had to check what or who was even singing in this place as the others didn't seem to hear it.

Moons pov
"You two alright after that?" I heard lucifer ask, I knew his name now thanks to table telling me when talking about him. "Yeah nothing serious just some small cuts from a window on Hiyori but otherwise i think we're fine" I spoke as Hiyori nodded but also seemed to realize something,

"moon did you get the-" she said but I knew what she'd ask so I interrupted her showing I kept the papers we grabbed that were somehow safe. "Why were you two there anyway?" He asked us as we looked at him, "I had found on the newspaper about all the deaths there so I thought we should've investigated on what in the world happen to cause that, now thinking about it maybe that was a bad idea..." Hiyori explained.

"As we got there we checked the heads office we found some files including" I spoke and showed him and showing him the info in it plus telling him on what we and Hiyori had seen in the room itself aka the writing we saw on the wall.

"I'm surprised you were able to keep those safe from the fire" Hiyori said looking to me "yeah I made sure to keep it hidden from the flames by using my jacket which somehow kept it safe enough it's still good to read and such" I said.

"And from what nightmare explained I still don't understand how their around if apparently you guys git rid of him already" I added and it seemed lucifer had the same thought.....

Tavnora's pov
I was near farther by some stair looking things I heard the others call escalators as I finally seen what was singing or rather who. Some girl maybe in her 30's with a tophat yellow stripe and dress like suit and black jacket.

"Tav don't move closer" shattered told me as I was confused but did what he said, 'what's the matter?' I asked. "The description of the person reminds me of someone I was told of and believe me if it is them then they're not to be messed with" he said so I nodded and watched the strange girl person thing as she kept singing.

"We'll meet again~ don't know where, don't know when!~ but I know we'll meet again some sunny day~" she then paused now standing the top of the 'escalators' looking behind then shrugged going forward continuing.

"Keep smiling through just like you always do~ till the blue sky's drive the dark clouds far away" she kept walking forward but I really didn't wanna get super close if what shattered was saying  they're not to be messed with so instead I just quietly started to head back.

"Tell you're little friends I'll be visiting soon shattered star!" Her distant voice shouted in a way I could hear but was maybe to distant for the others to. How the hell did she know i was there! I quite literally had shattered have our tentacles cover my mouth and nose so I didn't make a peep there's no way she should've known I was there.

And what the hell kinda nickname is shattered star? Sounds like some ripoff of the name shooting star or something........I just ignored it I would tell lucifer definitely but maybe when the other two aren't there as I have no clue if they'll trust me and believe I wanna change.

It would most likely will be a no so I don't wanna take chances as I was back there but hidden away from atleast moon and her friends view of things lucifer seemed to be able to see me though he was quiet about it thankfully,

I just listened into what they were saying about some person named eris who apon hearing the description matched the person i had just seen earlier who was singing and knew me now.......shit-

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