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Hiyori's pov
We looked more around though I noticed Moons anxiety as we explored the building/lab more. "Hey moon you doing alright?" I asked going besides her, "yeah I'm......fine don't worry" she said but her expression made it obvious something was wrong so I stopped her.

"Sorry but I don't think I believe you there's obviously something bothering you, you know you can tell me if something's wrong right? Even if it's bot me you can tell someone about it" I suggested smiling "even if i haven't been around you much i can tell you bottle you're problems thinking they dont matter like everyone elses" i said my thoughts aloud from what I've seen of her well what little that is.

As I examined their expression again they looked away and mumbled something I couldn't hear, "pardon but can you repeat that?" I asked her.

"I said how would I explain that I've killed people out of my control and not just in the stupid arena here but outside to! So many innocent people that I just took away their lives due to some damn drug I was forced to take and now can't take back and constantly get reprimanded about and also worry if any of who I call my friends now would see me the same if I told them alright!"

She shouted her tentacles whipping the air in anger which surprised me. It was like as if a geyser of emotions was spewing out of her from being bottles up for so long I felt sympathetic toward her, she though was surprised about what she said like she didn't mean to say what she did.

"Hey.....it's alright I may not fully understand but I'm sure seeing you and your friends they truly care about you and would understand it so I don't think you need to really worry okay?" I said as she nodded slowly most likely talking to one of her halfs.

Moons pov
'Night did you happen to amplify our aura to make me spill all the truth like that?' I asked him to be sure as that felt odd to even me. "No I didn't believe me I wouldn't do that I'd let you say the truth if you wanted to that was just as odd to me as it was to you" he explained though that made me think, who could do that then? As that definitely wasn't normal for me to do all that.........till it finally hit me almost like a train.

That bill character he was the demon of the mind, and I was thinking about my issues due to just being in the place meaning......."Hiyori" she looked to me tilted her head. "I don't think we're alone here..." I said but she seemed confused "what do you mean?" She asked me as I explained to her my thinking process and how I got the realization.

She was now on the same realization as me and looking around she pointed out "why are the body's have a shine to them?" I looked closely as I recognized what it was, gasoline and it definitely wasn't on the bodys before and explain why there was a body in every room........."shit, we need to leave now-"

before I could finish my sentence there was the sound of whooshing of igniting gasoline. We both immediately ran trying to use the exits but somehow the fire spread enough to block the way we came in, "try to see if we can get to the windows and use those!" Hiyori quickly suggested as I nodded. Quickly heading upstairs and trying to reach to the windows I looked through one and saw the same yellow piercing eye as the picture staring right at me, before doing a shooshing motion and snapped her fingers.

"Get down!" I yelled to Hiyori and pushed the two of us to the ground using my tentacles as best of a sheild i could as the window shattered looking where the windows were was now just a huge fire as I helped Hiyori up trying to hurriedly find an exit. I couldn't teleport out as I needed to use my tentacles in order to and well the fire was actively blocking me from doing that.

It was getting harder to breathe form all the smoke building around us, "follow me" I heard Hiyori just barely mumbled and lead us downstairs to a fire exit that had though some fire which would leave some burns it was the only option we had the moment. We ran through covering our faces and onto the dirt ground backing up to head as far we could from the burning lab we looked to eachother, "you alright anything serious?" I asked to make sure she was okay,

"just some cuts on my leg due to the window and smal burns from our escape but otherwise nothing dangerously bad" she said then asked "what about you?". "I'm fine as well just some burns no cuts thankfully though we definitely have to deal with those before they get infected" I said as she nodded, "C'mon let's try to head somewhere close to hopefully heal" I suggested and made sure the documents we got were safe and thankfully they were.

Tavnora's pov
As me, lucifer, alora and her friend as she told me explored the mall I looked through the window and noticed something very strange. There was smoke and what looked like a girl coming from the direction of the lab.

That wasn't normally supposed to normal especially since it smelled also of gasoline even from here. That was abnormal and two figures had seemed to be coming from the area and I recognized one of them thanks to their tentacles.

"Um hey guys? I think you'd better take a look at this!" I yelled out for the others as they came to look right at where I was looking from the window at the 'mess'.

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