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Eris's pov
I had found a new acquaintance finally meeting that copycat person whose name was Connie. It was nice to have someone to talk to and such besides just my half in my head who seemed slightly less useful, "hey you make it seem like I'm not a good companion to talk to!" Bill said as I slightly rolled my eyes.

"And if you wanna talk about people and being less then something remind me who got hurt by some girl who you even made sure not have her halfs with her and still lost?-" 'okay I get it sorry' I has to interrupt him before he went on a long tirade again.

Even when having years together there was still some arguments here and there from time to time, though we could still have moments of laughing and such like bills laughter and my internal laughter at the thought of us leaving this world and world hopping.

As much as I'd love to go around to cause as much chaos as i could I'm not exactly able to thanks to a damn barrier that keeps me in this world and this world only. Hell that was the only reason bill couldn't spread his Weirdmageddon to around the mutliverse that he wanted,

and the main reason I will wait and want moon because if I can make a deal and control someone's body I can leave and with moon she has the God of destruction meaning I can cause even more chaos then normal and more terror the people will feel with nightmare, now if I can only just finally make her agree.....

Tavnora's pov
Lucifer had explained that copycat person to us like their powers and even how unpredictable they may be and suggested that while they were gone to try and rest and relax something I'd definitely agree we need. I feel like there's constantly one thing after another that we have to deal with, we'll not me specifically but just all those Lucifer met/knew and me n ash.

Speaking of I looked to said ash and she was in her little sleeping position but couldn't seem to get to sleep, "hey everything alright?" I asked her as I moved next to her.

"Yeah just not really a sleeper especially in yknow stressful situations" she told me as I could understand that and began thinking of some way that i could maybe help her get some sleep. Then i had began to remember an old memory one of an old lullaby he sang to me....."would you like a lullaby?" I asked ash turning to her,

she seemed confused but nodded and got comfortable and I did notice alora get comfortable to in her little area of the room seeming curious of my lullaby. I closed my eyes as I began.......

"Let's go in the garden, You'll find something waiting~, right there where you left it lying upside-down" "when you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded.

The underside is lighter when you turn it around" "everything stays right where you left it, everything stays but it still changes" "ever so slightly, daily and nightly" "in little ways, when everything stays..."

Once I opened my eyes again I seen the two had fallen asleep. I smiled softly and myself got a little comfortable not failing to notice lucifer being there most likely had seen the entire thing from his expression alone but I didn't really mind at the moment. Allowing myself to fall into a peaceful slumber and rest after everything that's happened today.

Moon's pov
"C'mon we should start heading back" I said standing up from my seat and heading out fable following behind me. Taking a small walk back wasn't so bad though as we walked I noticed fables footsteps stopped so I turned to her as she stopped and stared at the old house.

Ah right....."Can we visit it? Please just for one last time?" Fable asked looking up at me. "Fine just be weary okay?" I said knowing what me and Dagger left in the house to which fable nodded, we walked inside and I noticed very dead peices of grace "seems someone else was here" I mumbled as fable walked past it and went to our old room, ignoring Ms Jane's body as I followed.

It was strange being back in the old house but at the same time to both me and fable as I looked over to her it still held nostalgia of the past and maybe even what could have been. It had me think of eris and her deal now adding this it seemed mote and more likely maybe it was better, maybe if vessels were in higher power or even just didn't exist and we were human it'd all be better.

Dagger wouldn't be so hurt and have his sibling I saw the grave of, Hiyori and her friends would all be free and not had to of lived in some lab including tavnora in that, Kit wouldn't be involved in any of this. And maybe even I could've had an actual childhood being 'normal'...."Hey kid I get it you want some form of normal life for you and even your friends but try and think of other things to, you don't know how well it'd go, if they'd they would truly feel or be better you don't know" error explained as I thought about it that way.

"Don't let his thoughts or ideas get to you they just want an deal for his own reason and it's no way good or beneficial" nightmare added as I did think on their words they were both correct. I didn't really know what to choose or who to ask for advice and that just made me way more stressed then I needed to be. "I'm ready to head back to the castle" I heard Fable say so I nodded as we exited the house and left to the castle.

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