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Kit's pov
I heard the door open and turned to it having my bow out and ready to shoot. "Whose there!" I said as I looked, though I didn't expect who'd I see as standing there was a strange person with black wings and dagger! I lowered the bow but still looked cautiously.

"Who are you?...." I asked, "lucifer" he told me and I looked at dagger. "What exactly happened to them?...." I asked 'do you know if we can trust them?' I asked dream in my head "yes you can the well monster part of him is reaper, I know him well enough to know he can be trusted" Dream told me as I nodded and put my bow away.

"What are you doing here?" I asked the strange man or 'lucifer' he called himself, "we're looking for nightmare n his host" he spoke as I looked down. "You're a bit late on that.....they've been missing this couple weeks, since hes been missing" she pointed to dagger "they had gone out for a bit of fresh air and I had gone out to try and gain a little bit more supplies but when I come back they're gone and there looked to be evident of a struggle outside" I explained.

"Where?" The two both asked and I brought them outside in the area, it looked to be a mess with blood on the ground and the trees to with said trees starting to break and even one tree hit hard enough it fell like someone cut it.

"I don't know what happened or even who took em" I said I may have had one idea but how would I know it's the right one?....

Moons pov
I woke up in a different room and still felt like crap, seems I was hit hard enough I may have completely passed out. Though as I looked it seemed someone had been healing me as some of my injuries had closed up and I didn't have any splinters from the bark of the tree.

I looked around as the room was pure white with just a bed against the wall I was one and I had what looked like chains on my hands. "Great...." I said aloud as some things started coming back one being nightmare and error being taken from me again leaving me empty once more and I hated it......"everyone to the yard" a speaker blared as I got up and just followed where everyone else went.

It seemed to be an outside area but covered in some glass dome and what seemed to be lunch? I didn't wanna try it so I just sat against the wall away from ironic it's like stuck in my past again- "hey" a soft voice spoke as I looked up.

There was a girl her hair was red and blue and one of her eyes reminded me when of errors when I'm merged with him, the other was a red eyelight and she had flowers in her hair. "You must be the newbie around here right?" She asked as I just nodded going back into my old quiet ways, she sat next to me and offered me some food it was just the bread everyone else got and how was I to trust it.

"Don't worry it isn't poisoned or anything like that I actually put some healing magic in it to help with your Injuries, I know it may sound odd but I'm the one who helped heal you as you slept since well I'm the only good healer they have around here" she told me as I stared at the bread cautiously but took it and began eating it a bit.

It was actually good and the more I ate it the more I started to feel a bit better "there it is that'll help you heal more quickly, speaking of you'll need to get some more rest after I made sure they excused you from some of our....'normal' activities like fighting and such atleast till you're fully healed." She explained to me as I nodded "thank you...." I mumbled and she seemed surprised but smiled,

"of course anytime, I'm Hiyori by the way or by going the number way #1708" Hiyori huh? Now I smiled a bit. "I'm moon or in number way #2008" I told her before looking down. "Hey is there something bad bothering you?" She asked and I looked back to her, "just I feel empty without my 'halfs' I think you'd say" I told her and she seemed to understand based on her expression.

"Yeah I get that if it helps you can get them back" she said and I was surprised, "how?" I asked "you have to basically just preform better then the others here in fights or any activity we have then you do well enough you get one back then you repeat it till you get the other back, believe me it's a weird system" she said and we both seemed to have a chuckle at that.

I'm....surprised someone in a place like this could still be nice but it's a welcomed changed atleast, we chatted most of the time with her explaining the workings of the place and how everything goes.

Though of course all good things to an end as there seemed to be a fight which she simply sighed at. "You're going to see alot of those since we're aloud to both her and in the fighting ring as a way to, get rid of us in a quick fashion the head people would say" she told me and I slightly moved more into her due to fear both of I've never fought someone and I don't have the other two with me I'm practically a sitting duck here! I felt someone gently hold my hand as I looked to my side and saw it was Hiyori who was holding my hand, it felt nice to be comforted right now.......

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