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Ash's pov
Me and tav stayed in an old store in the mall to use as a 'home'. I had also met tav's friend lucifer, I was a bit scared of him at first as I'm not exactly a fan of being with new people but after a bit I was less nervous then before. Right now we were waiting for him to come back as he went to check something so as we did I moved my hood off to arrange and fix the blue hat tav had gave me to fit it the way I like.

"Honestly I do think that this place is more preferable then the lab any day, more activities more room and they actually have food with these 'food courts' they got plus less people to deal with so less worry on y'know your social anxiety" my half dust spoke.

He wasn't wrong with what he said this place was much more preferable and acceptable then the lab we had been stuck in, though as I thought about it we heard footsteps. I looked up and saw lucifer coming over with tav waving hello,

"so find anything interesting?" She asked him and he explained about someone else here known as a copy cat. Weird but at the same time with what I've seen and who dust had told me about it may have been as outlandish at first.....

Moons pov
I had finished explaining to nightmare about the 'proposition' eris suggest to me. "I wouldn't take it, I've known how Bill works with deals. He'll find some form of loophole or advantage he can use for his own benefit" nightmare told me and added

"believe me his wording is deceptive and is supposed to trick you to think what he wants you to so he gets the deal" I thought back on her wording and he was right her wording even to me was odd, "you act as if you've made these deals with him before..." error who'd been silent the whole time said to nightmare seemingly accusing him.

"Sadly I admit, I had made deal with him yes.......ones that now I regret" he spoke solemnly even I could hear the regret in his voice. 'Hey It's in the past, no need to dwell it'll be fine' i said to him and I could tell he seemed a little happier for the guardian of negativity.

Error just gave an agitated sigh, he seemed like he knew well he didn't wanna be dealing with this whole situation in the first place. 'Well error since you seem ready to get this over with you help come up with the plan'

I suggested to him and he actually seemed eager to help surprisingly. "Finally I've been waiting to do something, ever since we've gotten out of the lab together I've been bored about of my mind and want to destroy" he spoke and it did make sense in my head atleast.

'Yeah cause you're the destroyer of worlds right?' I said and he replied with a small hum of agreement though now nightmare sighed irritatedly "you know after all this time you can finally give your full title you know you love to share" he said though I was confused. 'What do you mean by that?' I asked confused,

"how do you think he has the power to destroy worlds? Think about it knowing what you've known what person could theoretically have a job to destroy worlds" he said as I thought about it. Destroying worlds is something only those powerful can do, someone powerful like.........'a god?' I asked as nightmare I could tell nodded and error simply sighed.

"Yes I'm a god or otherwise known as the God of destruction so what? I didn't think it'd matter" he told me though I was genuinely surprised 'how would that not matter?! You're a God and I've been with you merged for quite a while why shouldn't I know this!' I said to him as he sighed.

"Alright alright i get it, sorry I didn't think of how to explain it to you okay?" He told me and I could understand that and I just sighed and nodded. I got off my bed and started heading out to the others then I noticed Dagger there on like the couch bandaged,

"what happened?" I asked the others who were nearby "they had seemed to got into some form of fight or something atleast that's what lucifer thought when he had brought them here after he found them" Kit explained to me and I looked from her to dagger. Hiyori also came closer to me and brought some comfort to me to hold my hand and make sure i didn't panic,

thankfully it worked very well and I'm calmer. She had me sit down on the chair nearby so I truly didn't panic alot like last time, she sat sith me and pat my head though I noticed Kit gave a smirk. "What?" I asked her; "you two look like you could be a little couple" she said as me and Hiyori were surprised and my face did feel a bit more warm.

"Why do you think that?" I asked as i looked to her and did also notice Hiyori face seemed to also be just as red as mine. "Oh come on it seems obvious you two like eachother anyway I just hadn't mentioned it before but it is obvious" she told us as me and Hiyori looked away from eachother. "I just feel really tired to deal with this" I said as looked down,

"weren't you asleep in your room?" The two asked as I nodded no. "I'll explain it later just let me take a nap for now please" I asked as Hiyori nodded okay and so did Kit. Now I rested my head on Hiyori's shoulder to take a nap, maybe hopefully it'll keep my mind off things like what was happening with our situation....

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