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Moons pov
We had taken a portal home thanks to Daggers friend it seemed though I don't know his name, I'd have to ask later. I began to show the friends I made in the lab place around the castle so they knew where to go around and such. Finally I finished and sat on the little throne till I heard "this won't truly change what you did after all this time" and I then turned around to see......'her' again.

"How are you here" I asked standing up but I could hear the two in my head ask me what I was talking about. "I'm always gonna follow you after all" she spoke as I stayed there just still. Though as I did Daggers friend was there as he also looked to the girl, he then looked to me and asked "Can you see her to?" Which I nodded. I then did explain a bit to him of yknow how I knew the girl as weirdly as it was she was a younger me but merged with who I assumed younger nightmare and error I still didn't understand it and he didn't seem to understand it either.

Most thing i did understand was that apparently for her the ghost thing she was merged with was nightmare's past as the 'corruption' on him was him and the ghost was the old body/guardian of negativity who he simply labeled as 'passive' then decided to go past that and just talk to him and y'know actually get to know him, apparently his name was lucifer and he was merged with who was essentially the God of death otherwise named reaper.

He and Nightmare knew eachother as well he explained it to me it seemed, simply atleast it was very understandable the most of anything I knew. "Don't you wanna get some sleep after this everything that happened?" Error asked as I just went to get some food due to me being hungry, "I'm good so don't worry" I told him finishing my food and sat in a seat to begin eating. After I went to my room to just relax a bit on my bed but hadn't slept so I just relaxed,

way until I noticed the girl or 'fable' as she told me her new name was enter my room and just stayed there. "What are you doing here? Wait- lemme guess want to taunt me again like my bad dream?" I said as she looked from me and the ground. "No I'm just.....I don't know I've never done anything like this....." she spoke as she also just sat against the wall and stared at me.

"Truly? Huh and hear I thought you just hated me" I spoke and she chuckled "oh I still don't truly like you but I wouldn't put it as 'hate' you know?" She told me and I seemed to understand a bit. "Yeah I get it but still you scared me atleast" I said and she seemed to agree to that, "mhm I will say though one of my friends will visit though I'm unsure if you'd see them but just a heads up you could say" she explained to me though I just nodded.

"This is still super weird though I don't think I know of like more how you're here at all, honestly I just thought you were some bad dream until suddenly I just see you in the corner and such" I said and again she nodded. "Yeah  that was I will admit a tiny bit fun seeing you scared by me just standing in the corner" she spoke.

"So can you like explain to me how you're here at all" I asked as she looked to the side, "in all honesty I don't truly understand it fully yet just I'm part of you mixed with the two pasts of the souls mainly passive atleast" she told me as it understood to me she was just as confused on her life as I pretty much was.

"Yeah I can see how you're confused I mean I am just as confused as you are" i told her and she just then looked right down to the floor. "It'll let you sleep this night if you want just to yknow rest" she told me and I decided why not and did so I could actually sleep.

Fable's pov
"You really trust them, how in the world do we know they can even be trusted?" Passive asked me and I just responded, "they're technically part of us so I simply trust hopefully it'll be fine" I explained to him and though I could tell passive didn't trust me just yet but went with it. 

̷G̷e̷n̷o̷ also was hesitant I could tell but also simply went along just as I did though he kept more quiet then passive was. "You could just follow that guy Reaper or lucifer if you want to since he's fhe only other one who can see us" passive suggested and I decided to get up and do exactly that. 

̷G̷e̷n̷o̷ though was especially silent at the mention of reaper but I didn't really pay attention to it at the moment. I looked around the castle trying to figure out where 'lucifer' would be and kept walking the place. It took me a really long time to just figure out where the world he was, but after quite while I had finally found him.

So I went over to him but stayed silent besides just a quite "hello" as he then turned to look at me, "Ah hello" he spoke as I looked up to him. I decided to move next to him while he did well whatever he did as I couldn't fully tell what he was doing. I preferred though to just quietly observe what he was doing, despite it I was still just stayed so quiet. "What are you doing fully exactly?" I couldn't help but ask.

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