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Tavnora's pov
I had walked around as Cozbi showed me how his peoples lab worked. All of it was so similar but there of course was differences between the two labs. As she looked around she noticed a familiar machine that hanged from the ceiling similar to........well she didn't need to mention it. As she stared at it she heard what seemed to be cozbi's voice calling her name.

She looked to him, "you good? you've been staring at that machine for a good while" he said as she simply shook her head. "Old memories sorry bout that but I wanted to ask, I noticed while exploring you didn't seem to have any -demergeafier- or something around here least non I can see." "What is that exactly?" He asked.

"Ah here allow me to exp- actually no lemme show you" I said as I happened to keep one of the machines on me incase that the scientists let me keep. I psychically showed cozbi and even Anthony when he came just knowing it'd be useful "from one scientists work to another you could say"

I told them and waited as I knew from last time since Dagger was taken there was absolutely no way the one I want wouldn't come and follow.

Kit's pov
Nightmare went to see if Dagger was alright bit as he came in I saw the issue. There definitely was a form of some fight that happened, and the fact Dagger seemed missing again was an immediate bad sign.

"What should we do now?!" I asked panicking as nightmare didn't seem to know just as I didn't. He then stopped most likely talking with error till his expression ment something else was gonna make it worse.

"Moons waking up as we speak..." he spoke as me, him and I can only assume error had the exact same thought.....


Tavnora's pov
A bit of time later i scratched at my neck though my collar is different then there normal ones as mine doesn't have hooks that go into my skip and instead it just tightens around my neck at times which I why I need to make room by constantly scratching at my neck.

It's a bit painful at times but I've experienced worse, speaking of I heard my constantly annoying beep sound from my collar and explained I had to leave and well left simple as that. "I swear that beeping is gonna be so annoying to the point I may as well just!-" my half spoke before I interrupted him.

'Hey easy now we've come this far we can't let some beeping or kid break us back. I'll do the talking and you just sit and do whatever you want just as we always done I talk you fight and since there is no fight you can just try to calm down a bit,

'I got this' I explained to him as he agreed though very mumbled, seems today's work had gotten to him more then any normal work we've had so far.

Nightmare's pov
"What are we supposed to do now?!" Kit's yelled, "you've seen how she acted before if she finds out Daggers taken again she might as well forget any of her needs and only focus on finding him worse then before!" Error added.

"Both of you just shut it please so I can think" I spoke the two finally growing quiet, I tried to think of how in the world we should handle this situation. We can't lie to get ourselves out of it as soon as she takes back control she'll immediately tell Daggers gone and it'll just spiral.

"I decided I'm gonna stay in control of the body till we find Dagger so moon doesn't do something wrong that can hurt herself again" I decided as the two seemed to nod in agreement.

Moon's pov
I woke up and rubbed my eyes, I tried to remember what happened before but I couldn't. 'Probably still very tired' I thought though I also finally noticed I wasn't in control of my body it seemed nightmare was.

Finally then everything started to click and I remembered what happened, "is Dagger here? Is Dagger alright?" I asked to which error explained everything that's happened up to this point.........."am I really that useless?" I quietly asked as error tried to reassure me otherwise but I wasn't listening.

"No maybe that's not even the word for it I'm...." as I spoke I trailed of as a not so distant memory replayed, when Mrs jane found me in the forest and I forcefully demerged those words she said right before she caused me to unmerge.

'They're making me weak' kept repeating but maybe it was the opposite. "I'm making them weak, not just you and night but maybe even Dagger....maybe if i.....if I just wasn't around everything'd be better.

Error was trying to comfort me with words but it wasn't helpful much.....

Tavnora's pov
I was at the girls house like before as she stood in the doorway, "so tell me what you found" she asked and I did. "Alright well what about that demergeafier I saw you keep, I don't see it in where it normally is" she said as I sighed. "That I can explain another day-"

"bullsh-t!" She interrupted and tried to what I guess slap me? Well tried being the key word, guess when you're 7'1 it makes things easier though I now could tell my tentacles had sharpened and aimed at her only stopping as she took out the remote tony gave her......."my apologies"

I spoke calmly and quietly putting a gentle hand on one of my tentacles which made it and the rest lower and become normal. I stayed quiet as she kept the remote out staring at me before putting it away, "you can go now" she spoke and walked away.........I nodded and walked away but I kept shaking.......why was I shaking?......

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