vessel-6 ash

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Tavnora's pov
Me and lucifer after he finished his job went to check on where the sound I heard earlier. Turns out I was right as we seen moon's friend there heavily injured and bruised like they got out a fight.

Lucifer was able though to bring them to the castle so they could hopefully be safer as I stayed behind,

I wanted to see some of the other worlds around and what they held. So I did just that and went to some strange world I hadn't explored before, it seemed similar to the main world I lived in so I was curious to find some difference.......

???'s pov
I finally got out! I was able to get out of that damn lab, I was finally free. "You're not bad kid now cmon I have some ideas for us now that we're free" I heard my half say till I bumped into someone.

I at first was ready to attack but I then noticed the one I ran into was another vessel. She had tentacles on her back and some dull crown with some odd blue hat? It was strange but I couldn't exactly question it from the situation I was in.

"Uh hey there, where did you come from?" She asked kneeling to my level "why should I tell you?" I asked as my half didn't say anything seeming in thought.

"Well because we're one in the same both vessels right?" She said and I looked to the side, 'should we trust her?' I asked my other who responded "for now yes but later if something's off we book it and run away" He said as I nodded.

"Fine if you must know I came from a lab" I said though expected her to not believe me till she smiled and said "seems were both from a familiar place huh?" I was shocked and turned to her, was she insinuating that she was also from a lab? But no one else has escaped alive from it.......

Tavnora's pov
"What do you mean?" The kid like vessel I was talking to asked me, she looked maybe 14-15 the latest which is what surprised and worried me at the same time as she also had the normal 'lab' clothing besides a red scarf.

"Well it may sound odd but I'm from another world where I also got free from my worlds lab" I explained though her expression wasn't what I expected. "He says for you to show us" she told me my guess the 'he' was her other half so I shrugged and showed em by making a portal back to my world.

She seemed surprised as I showed her it was fine to go in and she followed after me. "So you got a name?" I asked her as she said back to me "ash" and I smiled softly "well nice to meet you ash you can call me tavnora or I guess if that's to long just tav is fine" I told her as she nodded okay.

"Now how about we get you some better clothing hm?" I suggested as we looked to the abandoned 'mall' I now technically lived at, "just let me keep the scarf please" she asked in a mumble like voice and I nodded while showing her some of the places in the store I knew had clothing from exploring it when me, lucifer and alora looked around here.

She picked out some different options she liked and tried them on in the changing room they had in the place, once she came out she looked happy. Now she had a mixed grey and blue jacket, white shirt with a small unrecognizable to me design and some 'jeans' they were labeled as "so how do you feel with your new look?" I asked her as she looked up at me with a smile.

"I love it, so much more comfortable" she said to me as I smiled back at her, before we moved to a bench to have a small sit together, "so kid care to tell me about yourself?" I asked just curious. "Well I'm 14, I've been stuck at that lab since I was 5 and at the same age was when I merged with my now close friend 'murder' though he says he likes being called dust more" she told me as I listened intently nodding to show I was paying attention.

"What about parents did you have any?" I asked seeing she was around before they took her into a lab though she just chuckled at that to me, "oh please those two are the entire reason I was stuck in that damn lab selling me over for some money without a care in the world if I'd be okay, i don't ever want parents again" she told me fiddling with her scarf which seemed to be her form of comfort for herself.

I felt bad as I said earlier we seemed to have similar paths though it brought an idea to mind, "you know maybe I could change you're perception of how parents are like" I suggested though she looked to me confused.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked as I took off my blue hat looking at it, I'm sure dad would want me to grow from what happened that day and help others..........I looked to her and put the hat on top of her.

"I could act as your caretaker and show you not every parent is as bad as you think, besides there'll be no way they can get you here so you have no worry about that but I'd imagine it would be strange for some kid to walk around no carstaker in sight after all" I told her as she seemed surprised. I smiled softly and so did she......

{3rd person pov}
Meanwhile a bit away the familiar face or rather soul of bazel had been watching tavnora; he had always been not resting till he knew she'd be okay and well it seemed now that day came as he knew now she'd be fine and he could now properly 'rest'.

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