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Nightmare's pov
I had to take a breather and step outside, to much was happening with Daggers new disappearance and moon waking up it's all happening way to much. As I did I went to the part of the forest that moon seemed to go to alot and was where every time someone came to us wether friendly or not.

"Heh imagine something were to happen where someone will get to us that has some know or connection to me or you guys-" moon spoke trying to lighten up the mood a bit but was interrupted. "I was wondering when you'd finally come out you really stay all cooped up in that castle of yours for so long huh?" A voice spoke and I could tell moon was practically face-palming and fuming at the same time.

I stood up and looked over at the speaker and froze, they're tentacles swayed with that familiar damn smile......"oh what to think!, the great and mighty king of negativity stuck to some....mer girls body?, Oh how the mighty have fallen and truly how pathetic you've gotten bro-" before he even said the next word i stood infront of them my tentacles sharpened.

"Listen here shattered before you mutter that last word, we will never be brothers this world or not and you can't even speak for yourself as you even have some girls body to" I spoke my voice quiet in a warning tone. They just chuckled "oh believe me if I chose to I would've changed as well but unlike you I didn't have the choice but got used to it" he spoke back in the same tone.

"Nightmare who the hell is this?..." Moon mumbly asked as I explained to her in my mind while glaring at shattered in some form of staring contrast as he glared back. "You know I've been itching for a fight, maybe we'll see which of us is stronger" he said and staring at him they're body was shaking in what seemed to be holding itself back.

"Maybe we will" I said as though error seemed ready to go along side me moon was more reluctant, that was fine though we can handle it this time...

Moons pov
My body hurt like hell as i gained control back, the two tried and put up a bit of a fight but sadly they won which littered me in plenty of bruises and bleeding as I looked up to the person whose done this.

They had this different look in their eyes most likely the host being in control now. "how funny it was a two on one and yet you still crumble and fall, how pathetic must you be?" They taunted sounded feminine to me as I kept eye contact with her desperately trying to hold/hide my wounds....

"speaking of it really isn't fair you have two on your side, how about we make it a little more even" she spokeas she took out....that machine. "How did you?- I thought it was broken!" I yelled as she just laughed at me. "Oh you foolish little thing we've had enough of these for all the scientists to carry one and still have extra, though it's great you know what it is so you'll know what happens next" she spoke as I had that very quick realization,

"no- wait!-" I spoke out but it was to late as I got hit by that familiar bright white light.....

As I only opened my eyes for a smal bit after being blinded by that light I felt lifted into the air and then fell right back down and of course it really hurt, I felt like my spine could've been broken with my already broken feeling ribs.

Then I was lifted up again and regained focus enough to see it was the girls tentacles that kept lifting me but before I could even fully process it I got slammed through the trees this time with enough force to snap the tree and have me hit against the nect one.

I definitely was starting to cough up blood and felt dizzy with my ears starting to ring as i could feel the splinters seeming to stab into me all around my back and sides....she used her finger to tilt my chin up to look straight at her.

"You're so pathetic I don't even wanna finish you off, so you'll stay alive for now atleast but next time won't be so lucky" I heard her speak as I fell unconscious a few seconds later...

Tavnora's pov
'I really hoped to have had a better fight then this....oh well I guess it's something' I thought as I picked up the girl with my tentacles and teleported to Grace's house, to finish something off. As I stood there she finally saw me, "there you are finally done sulking?" She asked as I just kept a smile on my face.

"I did what was asked" I told her as I had some of my tentacles sharpened and go into her as I got closer. "The hell are you?-" she was gonna ask before I stopped her by using my free tentacles to stab through every part of her and rip her entire body apart.

"Finally her annoyance was getting to me" I heard my half say as I agreed and grabbed the remote before teleporting to the boss. "I got the job done" I simply said placing the girl onto the ground where he could see, "perfect as always now if you'd please" Tony said and had his hand out asking for the controller.

"Ah ah wait I want a deal, take my collar off or I won't do any more work for you in security or vessel finding" I offered as he looked at me and thought about it.

"Lemme think about it and talk to the heads, when I do I'll give you my answer" he said as I just nodded and brought her to the proper cell she would be stuck in, it certainly brought a smile to me.

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