learning responsibility

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Tavnora's pov
I had woken up after maybe like 60 minutes or n hour as shattered estimated. Barely felt like anything and I didn't necessarily dream just thought of old memories now that I had gotten to think about em n such. Looking over alora was awake and seemingly testing her ability to float? I just sighed looking at ash who seems to be having some bad dream or something.

I gently moved her closer to me so she was more or less laying on my lap as I pat her head absorbing or more accurately I guess taking away her negativity something new I had been kinda testing a bit seeing shattered having both powers of positive and negative thanks to what happened to him.

It seemed to help at the very least so that was a good sign I guess, "thanks mom..." I heard ash slightly mumble in her sleep as I practically froze. Alora looked over at me noticing my expression "not used to it yet or does it remind you of first time we called dad well dad" I looked to the side thinking about it, "a mix of both honestly...." I mumbled with alora coming to sit next to me.

"I'm sure it'll be fine" she told me with a smile though my guess is it was just dream's optimism coming through 'shattered' I thought to him "yeah? What's the matter?" He asked me. 'How the hell am I supposed to take care of a kid!, I barely even know how to take care of myself!' I thought shouted at him "woah okay calm-" he tried to speak but I interrupted 'no I don't know anything about taking care of a kid or even teen heck I barely know how to even cook for myself let alone to care of someone!' I thought while internally panicking.

"Tav calm it down!" Shattered told me so I did simply blinking in surprise first then tried breathing to calm down, "it's okay you can easily ask for help I don't even mind helping and I'm sure lucifer wouldn't mind helping either" shattered spoke as I did agree on his words. "You have alot more people to help then before yknow you're not fully alone anymore" he added as i looked of to the side.

'How would I ask him to help anyway?' I thought asked shattered unsure how'd I even bring that conversation up. "He was right in the room he can even hear what happened I'd bet he can understand" shattered said to me as I did know he was and still is in the room currently.

I looked over to him as he seemed to be just reading a book before looking back down at ash, I really didn't know how to talk to him or even anyone about it since I still wasn't really used to having people around that would actually help me and cared about me since my dad did........

Alora's pov
I had been watching tav seemingly talking to her half. Tav now seemed to have a daughter which brought memories of me n dad that had me think. 'Do you think somehow dad would be around for either us or just me to see him?' I asked dawn as i called my version of dream to see his imput.

"I think it'd work maybe you could talk to lucifer about it as he knows more about ghosts like you and such" Dawn said to me. I did agree that it was true lucifer knew some more on ghosts then me despite me being a ghost, 'when would I ask for it, just give me a good idea please' i asked him.

"Well it seems he likes books alot so maybe when he gets another you can follow and ask about it, I think fable talked about something similar to how she talked to him at first" dawn suggested. 'Alright I like that idea' I said to him smiling and also looking over at lucifer......

Fable's pov
Me and moon had arrived to the castle, moon decided to leave to her room so it left me to the castle and no one to even talk to. How boring......"Maybe we can read a book together!" Passive suggested and I did enjoy the idea so I went to explore the library. I grabbed one of the books of the shelf and sat on the chair to read said book which was just some random fantasy.

I personally really enjoyed the book as Passive and  ̷G̷e̷n̷o̷ did enjoy it as well as I heard the two talk about the book and how  ̷G̷e̷n̷o̷ found it odd but interesting while Passive immediately found and enjoyed the story. I found it funny the differences of how they speak compared to eachother while  ̷G̷e̷n̷o̷ spoke more adultly and with alot more words even I didn't understand while Passive spoke similar to me with his smaller definitions and words.

Maybe that's why me and passive can talk alot more then me and  ̷G̷e̷n̷o̷ talk but eh who knows, I continued reading as the two talked more about the book as we continued reading. "Huh now who'd be here having a floating book?" I heard kit's voice and looked over, she seemed to chuckle "Hello fable I see you're reading a book I guess would you mind if I joined you?" She asked and I thought about it.

"We don't mind please let them stay" passive said to me and so I nodded and moved a bit to allow Kit to sit with me and she did sat next to me as now both of us had were able to read my small little fantasy book I was reading.

This was nice as I don't really mind just having little time to read with others more then just moon or reaper atleast though it was just a little odd. I still wonder though, what should I do now that I'm not exactly against moon.....

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