Fable's hopes and dreams (Bonus)

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{hey everyone sorry it's taking long for a new chapter so I'm going to make some bonus chapters that though do take place in the story but don't currently fit in the chapter's themselves so if you skip these it's fine you won't miss much}

Fable's pov (from since she first fell asleep)
I awoke in this strange meadow, oddly enough it looks like one i would daydream about. "That's because it's exactly that" a familiar voice occurred as I turned to face with the lady I had met before, Eris she said her name was.

"Where are we anyway?" I asked her looking up at her but as I did I noticed a skeleton wearing similar clothes to her and the same top hot with yellow eyes?-Eyelights? I don't know what they call em exactly.

"We call this the mindscape think of it like that dreamscape place your half brought you to before" the skeleton said, "speaking of half's this is bill my own half you can see him now thanks to this place being basically an imagination of those who enter it" Eris added explaining.

I looked down originally to think but I noticed my hands were different both unmerged I guess the word is and non phase through like I was whole....and alive...."the imagination is one hell of a tool huh?" Eris's voice had me look up and couldn't help but nod.

"and in this I can make whatever you want come true no questions asked, we can play or do whatever you wish!" She suggested happily. I looked to the side and started walking if what she said was true then I'll have to test it myself, she followed a long with 'bill' as we walked a tree came into view one similar to the ones in the forest.

Getting closer there were those I cared about waiting by the tree. ̷G̷e̷n̷o̷ and Lucifer reading a book under the branches, passive and dawn running around playing tag seemingly, alora waving from up in the branches with who I guessed to be 'reaper' flying around waving hello as well, moon/older me I guess and kit talking with nightmare and who I assumed to be 'error' having an argument while dream stood by watching with seeming disappointed.

This all was everything i could want a world where we can just sit and play or just get along no fighting, no labs, no bad people, just us getting to be I guess what you'd call a family. That's I really want the most.....to have a family to call my own and be apart of without feeling outcast or odd/out of place......."you can always stay here y'know, the place of your dreams and desires all here" Eris spoke standing beside me.

"Without worry of hurt or having to deal with this well frankly cruel world" bill added standing the opposite side of Eris, "doesn't that sound like the greatest dream come true?" They said the same time as I looked down thinking about the twos proposition.

It would be but at the same time, what about the real version of these people? The real kit and dream worried of where I am.... moon/me, nightmare and error not evening knowing where I am or what happened same with the real Lucifer, alora and dawn..... actually.....

"Where are the actual passive and ̷G̷e̷n̷o̷? I mean yes these are close and how I imagine them but.....it isn't them at all, not even close" i turned to face the two as I asked my emotions were unnaturally high and at the same time negative..... something was definitely wrong.....

Bill's pov
As Eris and 'fable' had a seeming stare down I looked forward last them at the tree in my view the meadow was full of dead grass the tree itself dying and all the others being manikins on strings that were paused besides well passive and ̷G̷e̷n̷o̷ as I heard her call them being the only non manikins.

'whys little shrimpy there panicking hm?' I asked, "well you basically kidnapped us which is let's see two practical children and one anomaly and forced us two to play puppets for our other friend, I'd imagine that would cause a lot of worrying out of a kid" he said seeming smug.

'and you haven't stopped or calmed him down why? I made sure at least you two could talk so neither of you would have something like this happen' I spoke and all he did was laugh before speaking.

"You expect me to calm down the literal well guardian of negativity? What you think some hand on the shoulder and consoling words would help?", 'you know very well you can I've seen you do it before for both of the two so you can't use that as some excuse' I stated growing more agitated and my normal always smile started to falter.

"Maybe maybe you have me there but at the same time I really don't care what you want you can force to move like a puppet all you want but I'm not going to speak like one for your 'appeasement' I'd rather end up practically glitching and dying all over again then do anything for you of all people that I'm not forced to" he said.

'oh believe me you could pushing like this I'll eventually shove back to get you to cooperate' I had to complete drop the smile least in front of this one 'and I thought the you now was bad with his ego and anger issues but no your cockiness and sass is so much worse' I mumbly added.

"Glad to hear either way I'm an obstacle for you to deal with and I'm perfectly fine with that" he said back...

Eris's pov
"Alright I admit it isn't really the real them I couldn't really get the real ones in here but how about this we play that game I promised and you can go back when we're done" I suggested smiling and noticed bill distraught and thinking.

Fable then sighed "Fine, I guess a little playing couldn't hurt" she said to which that made my grin wider, how perfect........

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