knowingly playing into hands

10 0 0

Kit's pov
I sat outside of the castle Corbin sitting next to me. I was mainly thinking over everything that's happened, 'moon still hasn't left her room and it's been atleast 3 hours at most.....I had to have done something wrong for that to happen combine that with what just happened, am I just a bad friend?' I thought.

"No no Kit you're fine for one you didn't know what happened between corbin and Dagger so you can't blame yourself on that and moon I'm sure is fine just probably took a nap to calm down or something, believe me you're fine you didn't do anything wrong" Dream told me as I looked to Corbin, "sorry bout yknow..." I spoke but trailed off unsure how to really put it properly.

He atleast didn't seem upset about it that I could see and just told me it was fine and I didn't know. I just nodded and hoped dream was right and everything was fine but something kept telling me this all was just off somehow......

Moons pov
I put my hand against a nearby tree trying to catch my breath, most of what happened did blank out of my mind thankfully though I still knew exactly what I did as I looked at my stats
|"Moon"   |
|Lv-15       |
|Hp-76      |
|At-28       |
|Df-3         |
"So how do you feel?, better right no more shaking and everything?" I heard tavnora say but I didn't look at her. It sucked because she was right my shaking was practically gone I was just feeling exhausted because of what we did. "Shut it" I said between breathes, "after this I'm going home and we will never speak about this" I said finally finding my breathe and standing up beginning to walk away from her.

I heard her chuckle as she shook her head a bit, "you do realize it won't stay like that forever right? You have to keep repeatedly doing it for you to stay calm and how you are now" she explained to me and I paused. Then I looked back at her as she did slightly smile, "you'll have to keep crawling back just to feel normal again without any permanent solution to help" I stared at the ground as she spoke. Before finally leaving and teleporting into my room, and fell right onto my bed feeling like absolute garbage. "Hey moon are you okay? You've been in there for quite a bit" I heard Hiyori's voice from outside "I'm fine just was trying to fall asleep but having some problems...." I said and there was a pause before I heard Hiyori speak again,

"if you want I can maybe try to help somehow" and I thought about it. Dagger whenever he and miles are together and rest like that one time in the castle he looked pretty comfortable and got a bit of good rest, I haven't had that much good rest but maybe it could work. I used one of my tentacles to unlock and open the door so she could come in,

I kept my tentacles as she came in after and stood near the edge of my bed. "So what did you have in mind for me to-" I interrupted her "just come sit here" I pat the spot next to me as she did and sat next to me on the bed, "what now?" She asked as I looked at her.

"Now you stay still" I told her and rested my head on her lap and closed my eyes slightly smiling as I slept and did see her slightly smile a bit and she seemed to be just playing with my hair a bit, I didn't mind though as I fell asleep.

̷M̷o̷o̷n̷/̷L̷a̷y̷l̷a̷'̷s̷ ̷d̷r̷e̷a̷m̷/̷m̷e̷m̷o̷r̷y̷
It was in middle school that I tried to actually talk and make friends, many though were made on the rooftop of the school and the next day seemed dissappear somehow. "I don't understand why do they leave?, did I say something wrong? Did I do something wrong?" I asked myself aloud sitting in the corner of a shaded part of the cafeteria.

As I sat there though some girls came over that of course were popular, but didn't seem to notice me yet as they looked around, "so spill it tell me, what happened?" One girl asked as the other whispered to her but being close enough I could hear it.

Apparently she had cheated and didn't feel sorry about it and wanted her friend to help keep it a secret from the guy, I didn't move an inch till they left I recognized who the girl was cheating on as I seen him with her so much and well I couldn't help but simply 'spread the word' till it reaches his ears and the next day he broke up with her and the guy she cheated on him with did as well.

And she never knew I did it thinking it was the friend; who knows maybe I could keep something up with this keeping good secrets and spreading bad secrets though speaking may definitely be a no I'd most likelyuse notes to put in the gossipers locker anonymously........

Tavnora's pov
I sighed as my chest started feeling odd and heavy, weird it hasn't done that since before when I went back to the lab for when boss had me help 'grace'......I looked around and noticed I wasn't to far from Moons castle as I had walked around.

Someone sat near the front and wearing some royal like outfit and a similar crown to mine, it looked like they may of had the 'normal' dream i would guess as my half told me about the different worlds and how there can be more then one person......

my chest kept pulling me to there but I didn't understand why or what this feeling was. I decided to ignore it and walk away and maybe figure it all out some other time much later.

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