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Moons pov
I had mainly had some small talk with Kit until I noticed Dagger and miles hadn't had any sign of being back yet. It made it nervous, from what the two had told me about what was going on it didn't exactly make me calm that they hadn't been back.

"Hey moon you good? You seemed dazed and worried" Kit said as I blinked and shook my head looking at her, "oh right sorry, I'm just worried about my friend, they haven't come back yet and they never take this long...." I explained and Kit looked at me sympathetically.

"Hey don't worry about it, I'm sure they'll be fine and if you need help I'm always happy to assist" she told me and I nodded. "Yeah....yeah thank you" I mumbled to which she smiled at me, something in the back of my mind is screaming at me to get up and look for them....

Kit's pov
It's been a couple days since Moons friend Dagger had gone missing.....we first went to ask miles, Daggers other friend but he seemed just as clueless of where they may be then we were, he offered to help in the search atleast. Sadly though moon hasn't been taking the situation so well.....everytime I've been over the walls seemed to have new holes like something hit against it, the shape of the holes fitting Moons tentacles so it was obvious what was happening on that part.

"Moon you need to calm down-" I suggested but moon just turned to glare at me, "calm down?, calm down?!, how do you expect me to calm down in a situation like this!" She yelled and the normal just kinda there negative aura of hers strengthened to the point atleast to me due to my positivity it felt....suffocating I had to try and get myself to be able to even breathe before I could respond.

"You acting this panicked and manic will not help find Dagger, it'll just make you take brash decisions" I said trying to have Moon to understand but she didn't seem to want to as she turned away from me. "You don't understand, Dagger is only person whose seen and knows my crazy life and yet they stayed and didn't leave despite our awkward moments, everyone else- hell even you left me during some of my lowest times, while they stayed and even saved me from what'd I'd call a life or death situation so if I don't find them and something happened or worse, I'd never let it go" she told me only her eyes shifted to look at me, the rest of her was as still as a mannequin.

"Then let me atleast help so you don't do something.....rash you'd regret" I said straightening my posture despite her still strong negative aura causing me to shake.

She looked me up and down and sighed, "Fine if it'll get you to stop pestering me..." she said as I smiled but also felt terrible knowing i didn't do much to help her during her time before all of this happened. She opened a portal and we went through of course having disguises on us just incase, i still have to get used through going through one as I had a massive headache and dizziness but as I looked to moon she seemed unfazed. We began to walk as moon kept the hood from her disguise over her face so it hard to read her expression.....

Moons pov
'Any sign of them night? Anything useful, or even anything at all?....' I asked as I just stared to the ground as i continued to walk. "No, I've been trying to find anything but nothing so far..." nightmare responded as I felt my retracted tentacles twich, seemed I wasn't the only one upset about the situation and even if error hasn't said a word yet I know he's slightly worried to. Kit said to me something about going to check around the neighborhood or something like that I just nodded not really paying attention.

I kept walking looking around for a sign of them or anything that could count as useful. "Stop, what's that?" Error stopped me as we looked where he seemed to look, some dark ally. I went into and looked around, "seems like a struggle here" error commented as I looked around, I also turned to notice blood on the wall like someone's head was banged into it. Somehow it left a small trail as I followed it, something in my gut told me to so I did.

As I did the trail of blood stopped but tire marks from a car were now visible. Once again my retracted tentacles twiched as nightmare spoke, "follow it, there's something I can sense that heads the same direction" he said, as I followed the trail I couldn't help but ask, 'what can you sense exactly' I asked as nightmare explained that though he can only sense emotions positive or negative he's noticed for those who were numb to emotion or even didn't have any had this odd sense to them he couldn't describe.

It made me realize that if it was Dagger something terrible had happened which made me go faster to try and follow the trail to wherever it may lead me.

???'s pov
Well isn't this new?, seems we have another one of our kind running around these worlds....."I say we follow them, they could give us a bit of entertainment as we wait for one of 'their' orders" my other half spoke as I smiled. 'You always do have the better ideas' I replied as I scratched at my neck a collar blocking me from being able to properly scratch at it.

I stood up fron my spot on the trees in preparation to follow the vessel I've been watching. I stretched a bit as I watched them head to the direction of a lab, my tentacles swaying slightly....

New chapter out sorry it took longer then normal schools back up so I may have issues posting new chapters so they may take longer then normal sorry ^^"

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