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Moons pov {Dreamscape}
I awoke in the familiar place of the dreamscape it was nice to have some familiarity after everything. Until I heard a yawn and a voice behind me, "what is this place?" I turned to the speaker.

It was fable who looked to me seeming confused on how she was here as I was at first. "What is this place" she asked again but in a calmer tone then earlier, I stood up and offered her a hand up "this is the dreamscape" I told her maybe spending time and understanding one another will help her get a better view of me. She looked hesitant but took my hand to stand up, before looking around her surroundings.

"You must've been brought here when you slept by-" I spoke before being interrupted "me you don't need to explain" a voice came from behind her which I recognized as the one from before of the younger nightmare who they all seemed to call passive. This was the first time I seen him in person and......I immediately felt terrible as he looked physically in pain bones broken or bent in ways they shouldn't and half his head on the side nightmares eye is covered being a cracked hole.

"You must be passive then correct? It's very nice to meet you in person" I said as he looked from me to fable then back to me. "Yes, it's 'nice' to meet you as well though I must say I truly don't fully trust you yet" he told and I could understand. "I get it either way it is nice to meet you face to face I hope I can allow you to trust me a bit more" I told him and he did nod atleast though he also seemed to be thinking of something.

Then he looked up to me and came closer so I got onto my knees to match his height, he then whispered to me "can you let me see dream again? I'd.........like to see him as I hadn't in centuries since you can talk to his 'host' or However you say it" he asked me and I nodded sure since now thinking from the time frame nightmare gave me passive was also simply a child so I couldn't help but understand him.

"So that's who you've talking to and seeing huh?" I heard nightmare say behind me and I stood back up to him, "yes this is exactly them you must already know of 'passive' so allow me to introduce fable" I told him and showed fable by moving a bit though passive actively hid behind me and fable.

"He's extremely scared of you huh? It's understandable atleast knowing you were like a parasite using his body" I said as even he couldn't help but agree. "I know atleast he won't change his view on me" he explained To me, "maybe that may change but you don't fully know after all" I suggested to him but all he did was sigh and look down.

"I'm just gonna move away from you all so you can properly talk with them without them being scared of me" he said as I just nodded and he walked away a bit but enough to still plenty hear our conversation. "We'd have to wait atleast till next time we come here though so I can ask her so sadly you have to wait on that passive" I told him he didn't seem to mind though but seemed actually surprised from his expression I'd do it for him so he nodded okay.

"I truly thought you'd be more.....mean to us atleast after what we did" I heard fable say as I just kinda chuckled a little bit. "Don't worry I don't tend to hold grudges at all" I told them as they looked to eachother then me, "so what do we do here?" Fable asked as in all honesty I didn't even fully know either. "Well normally this place is for me and dream to watch others dreams n nightmares but otherwise I don't really know either" passive said looking around as he spoke.

"Seems we have a bit of a dilemma on our hands" I said as the two nodded and we all thought of what we should do. "Do you have books with you here" fable asked and I nodded , "can you read them to us?" She and passive asked at the same time. I didn't think both of them liked reading that much but I really couldn't say no to the two with the expression they're giving me so I nodded, got one of my books, allowed the two to get comfortable and began to read to them. It was just a normal almost child like book so it wasn't hard for the two to understand everything.

Tavnora's pov
I was out into a forest more near the lab and sat against a tree. I just sighed unsure how in the world to think of what had happened, "are you finally taking my words into consideration for once?" I heard Alora ask me as I sighed. "I mean you still haven't taken your hand of your neck since she took your collar off" Alora spoke again as I looked to her. "Are you done yet?" I asked her getting way more frustrated at it then I felt I needed to be.

"No I don't have many where to go besides with you so" she said and sat next to me as I just sighed and looked away from her as much as I wanted to disagree with what she's been saying......"she's not fully wrong" I thought and shattered said the same time as even I was surprised.

"As much as it's a surprise for me to say it.....she's right maybe there is a chance I mean I've changed to become this first maybe if not physically we could change someway or it's just the dream part of me speaking" he said as I nodded and looked off to the side.

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