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Moons pov
The vent had given me enough time to remerge with error safely. "Ugh I will never get used to that" he said and I had to agree. I found a way back to Hiyori and exited to her, "oh! You scared me! Are you okay did you get hurt?" She turned to me as I just slightly chuckled. "I'm fine no need to panic" I told her as we continued to walk trying to now find Dagger.

We kept till I turned and saw tavnora stare me down, course I stopped stared right back. It was close enough I did something I still don't understand why but I simply looked and had one of my tentacles move to the back of her neck and take of her collar.

She didn't notice at first till she moved her hand to where I seen she's normal scratch at her neck and she paused before turning her head to me but her expression was different more of genuine surprise and confusion then the digust she had earlier.

"I may hate you alot but even I don't think anyone should be kept as a prisoner forced to fight and deserves free, maybe you'd even change" I said before walking away as it seemed tavnora was frozen in shock. As Hiyori followed she spoke, "you did do a good thing funny enough from what I've seen it's the first genuine good thing that's happened to her that I've seen all my time here" I looked to her.

"Well how much do you know on her" I asked curious, "alot of things like how she wasn't always such a frightful all fighting person and the fact her merge? It wasn't even supposed to happen" I stopped at that and turned to her. "What do you mean by that" I asked "she had what we call a forceful merge think like the machine they use to unmerge us they have another that does the opposite forcefully merging two even if they aren't to be together" she explained to me in simple terms.

That put things into a different perspective of all I've seen of her.... as we walked I stopped in a some random room, "moon you alright?" She asked but I was frozen as the same little girl from my bad dream stared right at me from the corner nearby. "Moon what's going on?" I heard error and nightmare ask me again I couldn't respond,

how was she here? Wasn't she a part of some bad dream? Am I hallucinating or something? "Moon!" Hiyori stood infront of me and I felt like I could finally move and shook my head. "Sorry- sorry...." I said as she seemed worried and decided to lead instead but all I did was stare into the now empty corner trying to think wether I was truly hallucinating or what it was I saw.....

Tavnora's pov
I stood there a hand near my now free neck.....why would she do that?....."you take her kindness for granted" a voice called as I turned around and stared at a version of shattered and my younger self merged.

"You think both of you are unable to find hope to change and think of her kindness as a sign of weakness" she said staring up at me with an old crown and mix of lab and old princely clothing. "Are you done yet Alora?" I asked irritatedly not wanting to hear her words, she didn't say anything and simply closed her eyes before leaving....'finally' I thought.

"Lemme guess it was 'them' again the one who is part of your mind" my half asked as I just nodded and decided to leave as I had the chance.

Moons pov
I noticed a passing of very bloody mess of humans on the ground and everywhere. Hiyori seemed worried but I recognized the way the humans were killed from anywhere, it was Daggers way or atleast it looked familiar to it.

I decided to follow, "wait moon are you sure that's a good idea? It seems dangerous" Hiyori called out and I looked over to her. "It's fine Hiyori I recognize the person who did that it's my friend I told you about" I explained as she followed looked around very worriedly.

"That explains the name dagger if I'm correct" she said as I continued not noticing a certain girl behind me.

Fable's pov
"They have no reaction as if it's a normal thing" passive spoke as I tilted my head. "Enough normalness to even kill others herself"  ̷G̷e̷n̷o̷ said as I nodded, 'soon enough she'll learn' I replied as I continued to follow the two as they followed the trail of very bloody bodies.

I could passive and  ̷G̷e̷n̷o̷ were disturbed by the body's as they still continued on....simply thinking this wasn't odd. "You always like to follow them and scare them huh?" A voice asked as I turned behind me. "Of course you know how I find my enjoyment Alora" I said as she stood next to me.

"I'm surprised you can handle seeing all of this mess" I stated looking to the ground, "he and I have seen enough that it's practically numb to us" she said to me kicking at one of the body's but her body went through it. "Not surprised by that to be honest" I said to her, "I'm surprised you're two aren't the same way" she mumbled and I slightly chuckled.

"They may have seen alot but they haven't gotten used to it to be numb to it at all" I explained as she nodded at that. "Shouldn't you be following yours like how I do mine?" I asked her curiously, "I would but she wouldn't listen and added to it he wishes to see passive again to talk" she told me as I sighed but nodded.

"Maybe later after they find a way out" I told her as she nodded and decided to follow us.

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