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Tavnora's pov
I finally stood up from my spot in the forest. "We should see around the castle find any other entrances or exits they could come out of" my half spoke as I nodded in agreement. We walked around the entire castle using the surrounding forest as cover as to not be seen.

We did found a few other exits by the back we kept it mind, before that damn annoying beep came from my collar as I sighed irritatedly and came back to where 'grace' was....

Kit's pov
I was in one of the spare rooms the castle had and sat on the bed staring at the ceiling. 'How would we be able to tell them about what we found? Especially after both of two seem to desperately need a break I don't wanna make the situation worse' I thought hoping dream could have some ideas for me.

"Well though this may sound odd, we can tell my brother about it he's been around the mutliverse as we call it more then I have, maybe he will recognize the description of them." Dream suggested as I thought about it. "Believe me he may not seem it but he's more open about talking to people about their problems then you'd think" Dream added.

I decided it'd be the best choice to tell him so I got up and went to Moons room, I knocked on the door and stood there "come in" I heard moons voice say so I entered. Moon had sit on the chair reading a book but it was definitely still nightmare due to her sitting in a more strangely like royal position then moon would normally sit.

"Ah hello Kit, did you need something?" He asked me as I went over to him and sat on the nearby bed "um well yeah I need to tell about uh something me and dream had found when looking around, and when i do tell you please don't tell moon or Dagger i will another time but i wanna atleast let someone know now" I explained as nightmare put his book down and sat in a more normal position you could say.

"Well go on tell me, I'm all ears" he said as I sighed and began telling him about the figure me and dream had found before. While I described it he seemed to have an recognition of the figure but the facial expression gave away it most likely wasn't for a good reason.

"I'm guessing they aren't a good person from your expression" I asked as he just nodded no, "there's really only one other person i know who has the same tentacles I do, his name is shattered he comes from a version of mine and dreams world of what would've happened if dream ate the same black apple I had,

I went to that world once due to the amount of negativity from there and to put it lightly it was a bloodfest there enough that he even....well killed his version of me most likely in anger so it's surprising he'd be able to merge with anyone" he explained to me as I understood, dream grew earily silent at the information though I can understand why.

"Did you see the area through the portal of where it may have went?" He asked as I nodded no "I couldn't focus on it as we had to quickly leave" I told him as he simply sighed. "Alright we may need to keep an eye out then if shattered of all monster's is against us we may have a issue" he said as I looked at him as he looked down.

"Because he has the same powers as you?" I asked and he nodded no surprisingly. "Part of it is that but that's not the main issue, it's the fact he hold dream planning and strategy but a willingness to kill without stop, put it simply if he starts on a rampage it'll take alot to finally get him to quit, 'fight first talk later' kinda guy" he explained.

"Sounds like someone troublesome" dream spoke as I nodded, "well I'll let you know if I see them again but I knew I had to tell someone about it" I said as nightmare looked to me, "and it was a good thing you did now we know to be prepared for the future, and no worries I won't tell anyone and let you tell them about it when you want to" he said reassuringly as I nodded.

"Thank you" I spoke getting up as he nodded and I left back to the spare room. 'You were right dream I honestly didn't think the guardian of negativity could be so understanding like that' I told dream as he seemed to chuckle,

"he's always been that way he just now holds a sheild to how he truly is since his role of king but I know even my brother isn't so cruel as many say" he told me as I got onto the bed. A rest will definitely do me some good and so that's exactly what I did.

Nightmare's pov
I still sat in the chair as I thought, moon still hadn't woken up just yet and now we know that shattered is running around the worlds.

'Hopefully something will make this situation better' I thought as I looked to the book i was reading before, the one jane turner had it held all sorts of info on vessels.

I opened the book and the page I was on it was about vessels merging and how it worked, in it had a mention of something that caught my eye. A forced merge.....I reread the part on it.

-Forceful merging is very similar to Forceful demerging, when a host and monster soul are forced to merge together by similar machinery as demerging which can lead to a pain and struggle between the host body and monster less the host can adjust to the monster's soul still leaving irreverable damage to both of them-

Chapter finished! Hope you all enjoyed and see you all next chapter 👋

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