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Moons pov
I had knocked on the bathroom door after I noticed Dagger woke up and the others had all been away to try and find ways of dealing with a current predicament while I stayed back incase Dagger needed something so it left him to be the one in the bathroom and from the 'feel' of it that i got from his negativity it wasn't a good sign or thing.

"You've been in there for a while, is everything alright in there?" I asked but he didn't seem to hear me. I opened the door as it wasn't locked and saw Daggers 'position' he was shaking, crying and holding on to the counter like it was a lifeline and looked even from just seeing like he was in pain.

Course I immediately went closer to him noticing he seemingly couldn't hear me due to his thoughts so while being a gentle as possible I made sure to have him let go and guide him back to the couch.

It helped as I had used a small technique I was taught by passive using daggers negativity and both absorbing it like it was taken away and using a my use of it to block out all of Daggers negative thoughts so his mind was more blank besides if killer or horror spoke, passive taught me it as he used it to help whenever dream had alot of stress or worry.

It'll make it easier to help him if he doesn't panic after all as I made sure he sat properly and sat next to him, next I made my best attempt to use some healing magic to help him along with also carrying the first aid incase.

I had watched Hiyori use healing magic and it didnt seem to hard to work, thankfully I seemed to be doing it right as the same green magic came from my hands like Hiyori's had before.

Also course using the first aid just as a extra precaution incase, it didn't take long so I put both me and Dagger in a way to best sleep and rest after everything that had happened. Then I closed my eyes staring off to the side......

I opened my eyes looking around before recognizing the surrounding area near me.........."oh you gotta be kidding me right now" I said standing up before hearing the "moooon~ heyyy~" from eris.

"Didn't I tell you to give me time to wait! I haven't had time to think!" I said getting mad, "oh I know just say wanted to show maybe someone else's input to guide you to a side" she spoke but I tilted my head. "What do you mean someone's input? Who in the world could also be here or know about this?" I asked her as she chuckled.

"I'm a demon of the mind so I hear everyone's mind including their thoughts and you're little friend there isn't having the most positive of those thoughts am I right?" She said as I was shocked. "How in the world do you know of that?!...........have you been watching us!?" I said as she laughed right at my face,

"oh I may have eyes on here yes but no I'm not actually physically there get it?" She asked as I blinked then glared. "If you do something to any of them I swear-" I spoke but she interrupted me

"oh please they shall be fine you're the one I'm interested in after all" she said as ae had a mini staring contest.....

Eris's pov
Moon broke our small mini staring contest by looking away in agitation as I giggled. "Care for me to show you?" I asked as she looked at me and turned away, "please there is nothing you could show that'll sway me to make a deal with you" she said though it made me chuckle more.

Either way I made her see her friends thought they had right before she had found em in the bathroom from her expression alone I could tell it held the effect I wanted that made it perfect.

"You know you're also similar to that as well you can barely do anything without someone else to help you anyway including your little halfs your with" I taunted as she paused frozen.

I watched as she slowly started to shake then to full on trembling, so she did have that pill dad worked on huh? That'll make this more fun. "C'mon go ahead try to do something I'd genuinely like to see it, go right ahe-" I spoke but was rudely interrupted by well an unexpected fist to the nose, causing me to go backwards but not fall.

I covered my nose which was now bleeding, most likely in her reality she would have the sudden bleeding nose but that didn't help right now, "you said before this was my mind we're in correct?" She asked and chuckled before I could even respond. The area began to turn black like the blacking out of a mind

"Well then if it's my mind then I'm the one who rules here" she said whipping the blood from her face that came from when it yknow splattered from my nose with her arm. "And I for one have been just waiting to finally fight back after everything that's happened....." she said lastly

Nightmare's pov
Moon hadn't fell asleep yet and even opened her eyes slightly but something was off........till I recognized the strangely glossy yet dead look in her eyes the normal sign of anyone who was in their mind with Bill.

A small bit of blood dripping from her nose which I used my tentacles to wipe, now I knew deep in my mind something was going on in her mind that I had to figure out what exactly it was........

Bill's pov
Eris had kept moon busy in a fight that even watching from the side was intriguing, it made me chuckle that all she needed was a pill eris's dear dad had us make to finally become something that matches the title of ruler of negativity and God of destruction compared to the normal pathetic person we'd met before.

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