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Moon's pov (minutes before the fight)
"Moon can you please rethink this?,I mean you barely even know eris or bill or how either fight!" Error tried to stop and reprimand me but I didn't listen. All I needed to do was finally deal with eris to maybe get her to knock off and leave all of us alone. 'we've always so far had to deal with some big threat I just want some rest so if a fight is what she wants a fight is what she'd get' was all I explained to them due to aggravation not letting me really think to clear my head.

"then how do you expect to beat them?" I heard error ask and it had me pause and finally think, 'i...don't know....' I responded hearing nothing but a irritated sigh from him. "Ey lay off the kid will ya" I heard nightmare tell error before seeming to focus onto me not failing to hear error's mumble of him "becoming soft" but neither of us saying anything to it.

"Most I can give of help is one in the fight itself to help keep us a distance away and a tip that they're more of a manipulative person then any form of fighter so try and keep your head clear and focused, after all most sans's no matter how strong they may seem less with LV even then slightly are always to lazy to keep up a long fight and you 'humans' yourselves have a limit mount of energy no matter who you may be either."

Nightmare explained giving me actual advice I could use. "Wait was that why whenever you and dream fought you never actually attacked and tended to just stand back watching?!" Error interjected seeming agitated, "is now really the time for us to argue about this right now?" Nightmare replied which gave me a question as I continued walking focusing on the conversation then the surrounding to keep my head any form of focused.

'Wouldn't that effect you two as well since you're both sans's?' i asked confused but nightmare explained "error yes but I personally don't have that problem really, how? Well because I'm not fully a sans remember?" He finished and thinking on it, he was right.

'cause in technicality you're a parasite of sorts just using a broken dust of dreams 'brother' to have an idea of a form so no you're not a sans....' I spoke and could tell he did slightly cringe at the remembrance but agreed.

"Exactly all I need is a source of negativity and I'd last hours; days even without a worry" nightmare told seeming also slightly proud of said 'ability'. "Yeah yeah soak it up that you don't need to worry about being tired unlike the rest of us" error interjected with an tired tone, when hearing no words back he continued "so the plan is to outlast eris of who can stand the longest?" He asked as I agreed

'yeah that seems to be my best and safest bet to having a chance at this' at my words I could tell he was pondering "what if I added my strings like a web trap of sorts? It'd cause constant tripping and have her be unfocused on you leaving opportunity for offense as well tiring her out more" error suggested and thinking of both parts together it'd guarantee more chance of success and an actual 'safety net' for if something goes wrong.

"Look at you finally putting in effort for a team instead of playing the lone wolf" nightmare slightly taunted with error interjecting back "don't act like you weren't the same till you finally decided to care for your team yourself 'you're royal highness'-" I interrupted 'oi we're here enough fighting between ourselves, we have an actual fight to deal with now' I finished speaking and the two finally quieted down.


Tavnora's pov
I had gotten brought to where moon and eris seemed to be fighting. Lucifer brought me here for extra help as he put it though in all honesty I came mainly in fear of his 'dad voice' he had used which I didn't ever hear much from my dad so it quite a shock so I couldn't help but go.

All it seemed to be was moon keeping a safe distance and occasionally when given the chance fought but mainly stayed back in defense. "How boring couldn't they do something slightly more entertaining?" I heard my half speak as I agreed from most fights I both watched and was in this seemed to be the most very boring.

Something felt off though so I kept my attention on what was happening the best I could despite the boringness, looking closer I could slightly tell my feeling was right when I noticed moon's slight twitchiness and odd look to her face like trying to hold something mentally off. 'shit-' I thought knowing all to well what those symptoms were like and what it meant I quickly looked over at alora and ash who had fable with them still in seeming eris's control of sorts.

"I need you two to stay here and keep watch of fable I need to do something" I told them though they seemed confused, "what do you need to-" I heard ash start before I interrupted her "I'll explain another time just stay put" I told them quickly following closer to moon.

(3rd person pov)
Alora and ash sat still where they were told confused before looking at each other, unsure of if to try and tell Lucifer to try and intervene or what to do.

So they stayed put simply watching the fight while having the strangest feeling like something was watching them and the fight.

Something or someone they recognized and someone who definitely wasn't friendly both giving each other a slight look of understanding and worry over what was going to happen and if they need to truly worry....

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