Strange encounter

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Warning this chapter will have mentions of blood and heavy violence so just the little heads up ^^

Moons pov
I had simply sat on the throne and was slightly worried. Was I too awkward? Should I have even shown the notebook? I just sighed and after a bit got up maybe a walk can clear my head. I exited the castle and walked through the familiar path and this time past my old house into the streets and to a nearby town. Normally you'd expect someone to hide their apperance when being well what I am but I had no need.

After all I had both Already came through here to get the supplies I needed during the beginning and two let's say many people are to scared to wanna do anything to me and even if they did I mean having magic, tentacles and even having access to strings that could move people like they were simple puppets and the power to destroy literal worlds? Yeah I feel I had good chance I'd be fine if I went out.

I looked around the familiar town I had been raised in a few stares here and there but no one dared to move too close or allow me to get a good look at them. I took a breath feeling better thanks to negativity I've caused by simply just being there it made me smile. "Think we could head to the book store you showed us before to find some new books? I've finished all the other ones long ago and I wanna see what other new titles you guys have that seem interesting" I heard nightmare ask

"Sure why not I've been needing some new books to read to" I said heading to the said bookstore though I had an odd feeling like I was watched not just stared at like normal but directly watching the entire time. I shook my head ignoring the weird feeling as I went inside the bookstore letting nightmare choose what books he wanted to read. 'Did you wanna get anything before we head back to the castle error? I know you have chocolate already but did you have anything else you want?' I asked/thought.

Error was silent for a little bit most likely thinking before responding "maybe some more knitting supplies..." he mumbled "really and here I thought you just used your strings for the puppets?" Nightmare said mockingly but I shut it down quickly "ey quit it, I made sure he didn't make fun of what you're reading habit you don't get to make fun of his likeness for  puppets and crocheting" I said/thought. I finished getting nightmare his books as I left the bookstore to the nearby arts n crafts place even if error doesn't fully like it its the one place I can find and get his knitting supplies.

Again I had that feeling of being watched so I looked around but didn't notice anything strange or out of place so I just continued and went inside the store. I let error choose which things he wanted like the color and which specific kind he wanted too. I left the store content and started heading back to the castle though the closer I got the more I had that feeling of being watched but more like the person was closer it made me feel weary but I didn't say anything. I made it to the inside of the forest halfway the path till I stopped-

I froze and turned behind me quickly and I saw one of the least expected people I'd ever see again. "What happened to you? Not even that what are you?" Grace of all people was there as I just stood there silently i couldn't say a word. "Why are you just standing there? This is your opportunity go!" I heard error say and I could tell exactly what he ment by that.

My tentacles started flicking as I got closer to her to which she backed up. "Still as quiet as ever huh?" She said but I could feel just how terrified she was. "You say the word, we'll do the rest if you don't wish to" nightmare told me as my tentacles swayed and sharpened as I stared her down. "Quiet freak as always-" I interrupted her very quickly as my tentacles grabbed onto her and slammed her into a tree some of the branches scratching into her sides as well.

My tentacles picked her up squeezing hard enough I could hear her rib bones crack and break and then slammed her against another tree blood coming from her back. I held her there with my tentacles as I personally got closer to her standing over her as she now had to look up at me for once. "And here I thought mom was lying that you became......" grace mumbled as I smiled "a monster and vessel, that's what I am now" I said as I could actively see her start to shake due to my aura and well this is the first time she ever heard me speak.

"And you are still that annoying rubbish speaking girl who thinks she's the talk of everything" I finally spoke my thoughts and feelings for once. I glared down at her my tentacles still sharpened aimed right at her chest. "Are you fully gonna do it?" Error asked me "it's your choice we'd fully do it too, the annoying little thing'd deserve it" nightmare added. I started right down at her with the coldest glare I had thinkingin my head about my decision.....

Hey cliffhanger~ hope you guys enjoyed it and as a nice little reminder Dagger [who wasn't mentioned in this chapter] and their story and side of things and everything belongs to my wonderful friend YourLocalBiDemon so please go and visit their story and everything and so I shall see you all on the next chapter goodbye for now, cya~

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