acquaintances turned... friends? and acquaintances turned enemys?

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Kit's pov

Lucifer I think his name was couldn't fully remember sadly had brought someone to help clean the damage moon's fight with Eris caused. 'so thankful they did I was worried someone could've gotten hurt' I overheard dream say as the person left and we all started heading back to the castle, Tav helping carry moon who was still unconscious thanks to her tentacles and fable was awake and out of whatever trance she was in though i still picked her up and held her as I walked incase she wasn't awake enough to walk.

It was mainly Hiyori who was there, dagger seemed to be gone for a bit. It was all explained fairly quickly and she helped bring moon to bed so she could be more comfortable. And I felt fairly tired from that experience and wanted to have a small break of sorts. "Hey I'm probably gonna just go world hopping to get a break from y'know what happened" I explained to Tav who was in the room as I was leaving. "That's fine just be safe" she cautioned and I gave a small nod in return leaving to visit some worlds and take my mind off things.

As I arrived to one of the world's I noticed it seemed familiar, walking around I couldn't pinpoint why. Until I finally noticed- "Corbin!" I called out not to loud but enough he could hear me as I came over. No wonder this felt oddly familiar, "kit? I didn't expect to see you here what are you doing anyway?" He asked seeming surprised and confused. "Oh just wanted a nice break as things have been. . .more than hectic at home" I explained but didn't go into too much detail after all I was taking a break from it anyway.

"You don't mind if I stay for a bit do you?" I asked wanting to be sure. "No not really I don't have much to do" he said though it made me just a little confused, "don't you have special hobbies or places you like to go to?" I asked while making sure I didn't put it in a rude way. "Eh not really, never found much that interested me" he said seeming a little sad about it.

"Maybe I could help, I could show you some of the stuff I like to do and see if maybe you'll like em to" I suggested with a grin on my face as he seemed almost a little surprised at my words. "I guess, sure I don't have nothing much to do anyway" he said and shrugged as my grin grew wider as I brought him with my to see and find some stuff I knew I liked that could be here. First on my list, ice cream! It has always been one my favorite sweets especially after a warm or busy day.

Luckily they had a little stand that sold some, at a pretty cheap price as well how perfect! I got myself a mint choco chip flavor and him just a simple vanilla since I didn't know if he had a flavor he liked. I handed him his cone as I had mine, nice and cold exactly as I liked it. As I looked over I noticed he seemed to be somewhat enjoying his as well, bringing a small smile onto my face.

Later I brought him to a nice little forest wooded area with a lake. I picked up some small stones perfect for skipping on the water though he looked at me seeming confused. I made sure I had a smooth one and explained that "you have to make sure you have a smooth rock as they skip on the water easily, after you get one u ready your hand at where you want it to and-" I let go of the rock as it skipped across the water to the very other side of the lake before sinking. "See it isn't to hard, how about you try" I said handing him a different smooth rock I found as he looked to me then began to do the steps I did.

He got it pretty far, not as far as I did but half way across the lake was still an impressive feat. "There you go! That was great!" I said encouragingly as I jumped and clapped in excitement. All he did was stare for a bit and chuckle as I then sat down and simply watched all the nature. It was always comforting to me and being able to share it made me very happy as I noticed Corbin sat beside me.

I cautiously laid my head on his shoulder still watching the sun scatter light into the water making it practically sparkle as we sat in comfortable silence.


Eris pov
I coughed and sat on the ground as I tried to regain both my breath and energy back after getting almost killed by moon. As I sat I heard footsteps and was about to get up before feeling strings wrap around me especially my neck and quickly bring me over to whoever was there. "I thought I warned you to keep a low profile and not try to mess shit up" a feminine yet gravely rough voice spoke as I looked over at the person.

"Fifi!, Eheh what are you doing here?....I thought you weren't supposed to visit till next week..." I said trying to sound somewhat calm as for once my heart raced and the string wrapped around my neck tighten. "I would've if you hadn't got into a fight that practically ruined the terrain of that area! I let you get away with killing your dad and all those in the lab because that was something you were doing and dealing with before we met." The woman spoke with authority in her tone, her blue eyes practically piercing into my eyes. "Pull that shit again and the deals off, you remember why we have this deal in the first place right?" She asked tauntingly as the strings got tighter cutting into my skin as I nodded quickly not being able to breathe.

She finally let me go dropping me as I coughed hacking blood out of my mouth before I looked back up at white and black haired woman in a white and blue coat constantly glitching surrounding her. "This is your second offense Eris, be lucky I still let you stay here and only ensured you couldn't leave and not something worse" she said staring down at me before leaving. . .

It's rare that I ever truly fear anyone and not have them fear me but that woman. . .she always did keep me on my knees as I touched my neck careful as a new scar was left from her strings. . .

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