Vessel 3- Kit

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Moons pov
"God why does if feel like this forest gotten larger or something" I asked, i was simply gonna go for a walk and somehow this damn forest feels like it's suddenly grown bigger or something. Maybe it's just me but still it feels weird-

"Oh my God how many times am I gonna be out in the forest and someone just randomly appearing behind me that lemme guess somehow knows me!" I said being very frustrated and turned to whoever was behind me. I was just slightly surprised at the fact the person seemed to be another vessel? "Layla is that really you?" She asked as i also felt my tentacles start to sharpen. "Remind me who you are again?" I asked "zia, though you can call me Kit now" she explained to me.

I felt my tentacles definitely ready to stab something, "Alright Kit um what are you now exactly?" I asked more confused on the outfit choice? Why so much yellow even in the hair to? Bit much if you ask me also 'Nightmare the hells going on with you? You're certainly never this mad without reason' I asked/thought to which I got a grumble. "Well I'm now the well guardian of positivity basically" she said, wait......'Nightmare do you?-' I was going to ask/think but he already beat me to it, "yes I already knew who they were the monster part atleast believe me" he sighed "the one she had merged with is brother" he explained as I paused.

'You have a brother and you never bothered to tell me?!' I asked/thought "I thought he wouldn't have came back how was I supposed to know?!" He said right back. "You're talking with your two right? Least it looks like two, I'm not interrupting you guys am i?" Kit asked as I looked away but also put a hand on my head, for some reason when near her I've got this splitting headache.

"No just....gaining some conformation on some things...." I said. "How about we go somewhere a bit more private, so I can try and explain some things to you" Kit said as I looked over at her. "Fine just somewhere more neutral I guess, you're presence is giving me a headache, no offense- no actually maybe take offense? I don't know." I responded and she just nodded okay as we went to a place just more neutral so I had less of a headache atleast.

"So where do we start?" I asked as she began to think, "how about just when I became well this" she said mainly pointing to herself to which I nodded as she began.


Zia/Kit's pov
I went into my families new house they got in some new town and house. 'This seems like a nice place, I'm sure I'll get used to it' I thought as i smiled and got my room set up. I had this weird pull though like something needed me? I never had it before so it's odd but I ignored it for now. I had my new school and everyone seemed nice atleast so it was a welcomed change I guess though it was still most likely gonna need to get used to it and everything.

I kept having this pull and I was curious, 'maybe they needed help I'm always happy to help!' I thought happily as after school I noticed they had this some clearing behind the school. I decided to go to it feeling the pull bring me to the clearing so I followed, there was a small hill with just one tree that didn't really have any fruits or anything. I sat near the tree and it felt calming just the wind no sound of people or cars or anything just calm serenity.

I sighed and noticed some odd light from behind the tree, I looked behind and noticed an golden apple the light before was it being reflected by the sun. I picked it up gently and wanted to hold it close, It had this very calm feeling like I was wrapped in a comfortable blanket making me feel very sleepy as i looked it weirdly looked like it was seeping into my skin but i was too tired to fully pay attention.

And well eventually I did fall asleep and later as I woke up and checked the time only one hour passed. I was surprised as I got up rubbing my eyes to wake up more as I began walking home. As I did I noticed my clothes seemed different, weird....."Ah hello" I heard a voice in my head as I paused and looked around, "hello?" I asked confused where the voice came from. "This may be very confusing but I promise I'll explain everything" the voice said to which I nodded as I and this new voice walked home.

Kit's pov
"And he did and now we're friends and basically just well do whatever a guardian of positivity does" I finished explaining as I looked at Layla or from what I heard from others 'Moon'. "Ahuh......sounds definitely like something alright" she said it seemed obvious she was nervous or didn't talk much. 'And you're sure this is the one you're brother is merged with? She doesn't seem to negativity' I asked/thought.

"Yup not only is her negative aura the same, even the castle near seemed to be the same one he lived in plus only he has those tentacles. "Dream explained to me and I nodded. "So now that I'm done talking what exactly what happened to you to cause well........this?, not to be rude though" I asked moon who just looked away. "It's a weird and long story you sure you up for it?" She asked me this time and i nodded. "Yup I'm always ready whenever you wanna start" I said to which she nodded okay and began to explain everything.

Chapter done, reminder Dagger and miles (who were not mentioned in this chapter at all but still) story and character themselves and everything belongs to YourLocalBiDemon so loom at their story to understand everything ^^ till next time
(And sorry for those confused and saw this earlier I accidentally published it earlier then I ment to T-T)

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