adding to the pile

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Eris's pov
'Does she truly just leaving to get some air will work to calm her down from my antics? Oh i'll definitely make sure-' I thought but was interrupted. "Here I have an idea just listen" my half spoke as I looked to the side quietly showing I was listening.

"We know she isn't fully alone with the friends we saw she had in the castle, why don't we ourselves get some 'assistance' with our game" he suggested as I thought about it. "So basically make friends?" I asked, "not exactly friends persay if you don't want that just more assistance" he told as thinking about things yeah sure I have magic powers close to killing a God but there was still issues.

One how many people were 'against' me/friends with moon even if that wasn't an issue one of them so happens to be death himself who im personally unsure i can even touch or attack! Even if bill seemed sure we could and two majority of sanses still grow tired after some time of fighting and so far of what I've seen Bill wasn't even immune to that happening to him.

Assistance would be great thinking about my options..........."Alright I see your point, sure some assistance would actually be appreciated during a time like this so why not" I decided and bill seemed happy with my choice.

"But who in the world would help us?" I asked standing up from my sitting place on the tree branch just a little outside the town area, "have you heard of the copycat?" He asked me this time as I thought about it but was confused. "Who?" I didn't recognize the name or who he seemed to be hinting about so it left me puzzled on who he ment as I walked around back at the forest,

"they're a sans who is able to shapeshift to another person by reading their memories, they're very chaotic themself I wouldn't be surprised if they had a host the two would be similar to us" he explained as I looked around.

"Makes sense you think they'd want to help us?" I has to be sure that's what he ment, "of course i bet they'd absolutely love to" he encouraged as I went with his idea, it wasn't many times I thought differently then him and right now definitely wasn't one of those times.......

Moons pov
I had finished my coffee thing as fable also finished all the marshmallows I gave her. "So like now we know you can eat do you feel hungry at all?" I asked curiously, after all if she can eat she should be able to feel hungry right? "Not really honestly even the marshmallows didn't seem to make a difference so my guess I may just be able to eat but don't have the need or necessity for it" she suggested.

Thinking of it that made a bit of sense "I'm still curious to figure out how you're whole scheme works and well yknow how you're even here" I said and she nodded seeming curious to found out herself. "There's alot of things I need to find out about my new abilities and even what I can and can't do" she said as I agreed "do you have some idea of things you can and can't do besides the whole eating?" I couldn't help but ask to see what she knew.

"Well I understand I can well eat, I've also seen my friend who is like me soul wise go through wall but grab a key so maybe w ecan choose at will what we can and can't go through?" She said though the ending made it seem more like a thought or question.

"You wanna test it?" I looked to her who looked at me "on what?" She replied, I looked back at my cup and put it near her. "See if you can choose to either phase through the cup or pick it up" I instructed her as she nodded okay and looked at the cup itself, before sighing and trying to grab it but phased through it.

"That's still alright we know how you phase through it atleast" I suggested to try and cheer her up a bit, she tried then to now pick it up but couldn't and started to get frustrated. "Keep trying at it I'm sure you'll get it eventually" I encourage as she sighed and nodded and tried it again, "ugh this stupid little-" she sounded frustrated and grabbed the cup to seem ready to throw it but stopped as she actually picked it up.

"There you go" I smiled That she actually got it then she smiled though not failing to notice as she was happy again the cup phased through her hand again. "So it seems dependent on your emotion, picking up the cup you had to be mad and having even the marshmallow you were curious" I said recalling the little info we had "and even my friend she had been very happy/hopefull as to grab the key was to get a item which seemed to matter alot to her" she added.

"Maybe it's like a poltergeist situation or something" I suggested as she thought about it, "maybe but I thought a poltergeist was supposed to be evil?" She spoke as I looked to the side. "I'm not entirely sure if they are or not that'd probably be better asked for lucifer as he knows more of ghosts thanks to reaper then I do" I told her as she nodded at that, "I'll ask later at some other time then right now I kinda wanna stick with you" she said though I chuckled.

"Here I thought you said you didn't like me due to my actions" I stated as she looked off to the side "Well going over it with the others we decided you're......trustworthy enough even due to your sins and everything" I smiled at that and pat her head to now she smiled at me.

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