Poor thing 😞

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Heeseung POV
Jay broke the door down and turned back to his normal form as we all stormed in, I looked around the massive house but not a single sound could be heard "split up and find that bastard" the boys nodded and all went their own way.

I started walking up the stairs with my gun in hand "Mr Kim come out come out wherever you are~" I chuckled while searching for the dickhead.

I started to hear sniffling from a room so I decided to check it out "is he crying?" I scoffed and slowly open the door only to find a shaking girl crying on her bed.

I stood watching her wide eyed "shit" did he have a daughter? Did he kidnap her? Fuk why's she crying, I pressed on my earpiece "I found something everyone meet me at the third door past the stairs" my hand fell to my side as I watched her.

I couldn't wait anymore I felt bad for the poor thing, I walked over to her and sat opposite her "shhhh your okay" I pulled her into my arms not knowing what else to do and surprisingly she immediately leaned into me touch.

I stroked her back calming her down "I-is h-he g-gone?" I pulled her to look at me and my heart stopped as soon as I looked into her beautiful brown globes, tears glistened on her cheeks as she waited for my response "yes he's gone, your safe" what happened to her to make her soo terrified?

She smiled weakly before her eyes became heavy and she fainted, I tsked and lay her on the bed comfortably as I waited for the boys "hyung what did you find?" I looked at Jungwon and pressed my finger to my lips as I signalled to the young girl.

"Who is she?" I shrugged at Sunoo "maybe Kim's daughter or he kidnapped her either way she's coming back with us" the boys all agreed without hesitation except Sunghoon "do we have to? I mean she's not our responsibility" I gave him a stern look making him go silent even if he didn't want to.

"So what now hyung?" I looked at Ni ki then the rest of my team "we find the sick bastard and leave this shithole" they all nodded and separated again.

I stayed with the girl as I sat on the bed watching her breath in and out, I wiped the dry tears on her face "what did he do to you hm?" I didn't know the girl but already had an attachment to her. Why?

A few minutes later Jake spoke in the ear in "I found him, basement" without hesitation I gave one last glance to the girl before running to the basement.

Everyone was already waiting for me, they'd tied the sicko to a chair and he looked a bit messed up already "so we meet again Kim Joonho" he glared at me as he struggled with the ropes "let.me.go" I shook my head as a smirk played on my lips.

I pulled out a knife and tossed it between both hands "you know I never thought of you as a snake, always had a sense of respect for you Kim but I guess you failed us all" I slashed the knife across his face.

"M-mr L-Lee I'll g-get you t-the m-money b-back p-please" we all laughed at his begging knowing how this shit will end "ah see that's not how it works, money means shit to us it was the broken trust that got to us oh yeah and the rape yeah we don't do that shit" I stabbed his arm making him groan.

He was breathing heavy "p-please I-I h-have a daughter" ah so she's his daughter "oh really? The one who was crying?" He swore "fuk don't believe what she told you, I raised her alone the selfish bitch should be on her knees for me" I chuckled making him look at me confused.

"See there Kim you almost had a way out but I guess you were the reason she was crying hm? I don't know what shit you did to her but you've traumatised the poor girl, tsk well it was nice knowing ya see you in hell" and with that I slit his throat.

I cleaned my hands of blood and looked to the rest of the boys "yah hyung you didn't let us have any fun" I chuckled at the youngest and ruffled his hair "next time Niks" he groaned as we left the basement.

"Get this cleaned up and the house sold, I'm going to get the girl" they nodded and headed towards our limos as I went upstairs to find the girl still unconscious.

I picked her up in bridal style and carefully walked her to my limo and carefully placed her next to me, I watched her sleep as we drove away "your safe now pretty" I rested her head on my shoulder as I looked out the window.


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