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Yeri POV
I woke up and freshened up before walking down for breakfast, I was immediately greeted by the boys well except Sunghoon duh "morning Yeri, sleep well?" I smiled at Jungwon and nodded "yap" I sat next to him.

Jay always makes the food since he's fukin talented "I made pancakes~" I clapped my hands as Jay placed my plate in front of me "you told me they're your fav so I made them" he smiled at me sweetly making me return it "thanks Jay-ah" he ruffled my hair before sitting down.

Everyone started eating "I'm going to the mall with Jake hyung you wanna come Yers?" My face lit up at Nikis offer "rly?!?! Omg I haven't been to the mall in agesssss, yes pls" he chuckled at my response "were leaving after breakfast" I nodded when we got interrupted by Sunghoon.

"Don't you think they're a bit immature to go alone?" My headshot to this little prick "I'm not a kid I think I'm fine plus I'm going with Niki and Jake" Sunghoon shrugged "Nikis still young and Jakes childish, I don't think they should go hyung" wtf is his problem?

Everyone looked at Heeseung waiting for his answer "Sunghoon does have a point" I huffed as I sat back "fuk Sunghoon" shit I said that out loud "language" Heeseung looked at me stern making me roll my eyes "I'm not a baby" Heeseung sighed.

"Fine you can go but only if Sunghoon goes with you" ffs "hyung!!" "Heeseung!!" Both me and Sunghoon yelled at the same time "either you go with Sunghoon or stay home" I grumbled but agreed "whatever" I put my dishes in the sink and waddled off to my room.

I walked in and slammed the door shut before jumping on my bed in starfish position "fuk my life" after 5 minutes of sulking I pulled my self together and picked out an outfit.........

Jungwon and Jay had gone back to my old house and gotten all my clothes so I wouldn't have to keep wearing oversized male outfits, I placed the outfit on my bed before pulling off my shirt when I heard a voice "Yah hyung said-" I turned in my bra ...

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Jungwon and Jay had gone back to my old house and gotten all my clothes so I wouldn't have to keep wearing oversized male outfits, I placed the outfit on my bed before pulling off my shirt when I heard a voice "Yah hyung said-" I turned in my bra to see Sunghoon at the door.

"WTF" "GET OUT" his eyes widened as he stumbled to shut the door, silence "fuk" I pinched my nose stressed before looking down at myself in trousers LUCKILY but also in a red laced bra.........

Shit he definitely saw fuk me, I hurriedly got changed and walked downstairs to find Jake, Niki and Sunghoon 💀 "shall we go?" I nodded at Jake as he went to open the door "Yeri-ah" I turned to see Heeseung walking up to us

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Shit he definitely saw fuk me, I hurriedly got changed and walked downstairs to find Jake, Niki and Sunghoon 💀 "shall we go?" I nodded at Jake as he went to open the door "Yeri-ah" I turned to see Heeseung walking up to us.

He handed me a wallet "there's £1000 in there have fun" he was about to walk off when I held his hand "I can't take this, it's wayyy too much money I'll just hangout with Jake and Niki I don't need to buy anything" he smiled and shook his head.

"It's a present and you can't say no" my shoulders slouched "fine but I'll get a job to pay you back" he shook his head AGAIN "no the worlds a dangerous place I don't want you working with fukin pedos, I'll pay for anything you want and you'll get monthly allowance of £1000 that okay" fuk no that's wayyyy too much.

These rich ppl istg "Heeseung no that's too much-" he put his finger on my lips "stop arguing your not gonna change my mind now go have a fun day out be back before 6pm" I rolled my eyes "okay daaaad" he chuckled and pushed me out the door "go enjoy" I giggled and waved before walking to the car.


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