Don't tell anyone 🤫

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Yeri POV
I was studying since Heeseungs doesn't want me to laze around and become a 'bum' as he says so now I'm reliving the hell of history we all must do once in our lives 💀.

I was studying when I felt a hand on my back "hey beautiful" I closed my eyes annoyed before smiling fakely "hiiii Mia" she grinned pinching my cheeks "such a cute hottie" okay she's really stepping the boundary.

I turned to face her "Mia can we talk?" She nodded as she sat down next to me "what is it Yershoo" yes her weird ass nickname for me "Mia I know you prolly don't mean anything by it but I'm a bit uncomfortable with how touchy you are with me and always complimenting me in the same way my bfs do."

I smiled sweetly "I'm just asking if you can just be a bit more aware please?" She scoffed "wow those boys really have you wrapped around their fingers" I tilted my head confused.

She chuckled leaning in so there wasn't much distance between our faces "your mine baby, they've just brain washed you" w.t.f.

I chuckled awkwardly "okay Mia I really don't wanna fire you-" she gripped my wrist "you won't fire me cuz you love me right Yeri?" Her eyes screamed psycho.

She trailed her fingers on my bare thigh making me feel uncomfortable "Mia please-" "I need to punish you hm baby" she tilted her head. This bitch is crazy.

"Mia stop it!" She covered my mouth glaring at me "don't yell at me sweetie, your mine!" Before I could argue she pressed her lips on mine.

I tried pushing her away but she was surprisingly strong "stay still!" She glared at me before forcefully kissing me again, I felt warm liquid crawl down my face as I couldn't hold back my scared whimpers.

She wrapped her arm around my waist forcing her tongue in "M-Mia please" she pushed me on the wall hard "stay.fukin.still" she smiled psychoticly.

After she was done kissing me she pulled away wiping her lips with a smirk "now this will be our little secret right love?" I nodded crying as she was right in my face playing with my hair.

She pecked my cheek as I flinched but she was unbothered "good girl" I nodded as she walked out the room happily leaving me broken. If only the boys stayed with me.


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