Attention 😔⬇️

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Yeri POV
These last few weeks the boys have been really busy with work and yeah I get that it's important but they're literally ALWAYS busy and I'm not able to hangout with my boyfriends as much.

I was playing with Monkey and Bisco (literally twins) when the only beings that were keeping me happy decided to sleep "ah fuk you two anyways" I kissed their heads before leaving them to sleep.

I walked downstairs to see if any of the boys were taking a break and luckily I found Sunghoon eating ramyeon on his phone "hey hoonie" he looked up with a smile but not putting phone down as I sat next to him.

"Hey angel" he pecked my cheek while staring at his phone "soooo......" he hmed making me deadpan "hoon~ talk to me~" he sighed "sorry love I gtg work" I pouted as he pecked my lips going off to work again.

I wandered the large empty house in my pjs (Sunoo's clothes that were wayyyy big on me) I got bored and decided to go bother Heeseung "Heeseung~" I walked into his office sulky.

"Yes princess?" He seemed focused on his work so I sat on the sofa waiting for him, I lay down on my stomach making bubbles with my saliva like one does.

"Okay I'm done what you wanna talk about love?" He sat opposite me on the sofa but I stood up sitting on his lap "see small things like coming over and giving me a kiss you guys aren't doing anymore" he chuckled at my pouty behaviour before pecking my lips.

"I'm sorry princess" I wrapped my arms around his neck "I'm here to complain" he tilted his head amused "I'm listening" I sat on his lap with my arms folded "all of your guys are too busy and I am literally hanging out with a cat and dogs now, I miss my boyfriends!"

He smiled and nodded "let me call all the boys so we can talk about this hm?" I nodded as he picked up his phone, a few minutes later they all joined "hey darling what's up?" I shook my head at Jay "no I'm angry with you guys" he chuckled sitting down.

"Okay so Yeri has a complaint for us" Heeseung pecked my cheek "speak love" I nodded looking at all my boys listening intently "all of you aren't giving me enough love cuz of your work, I miss my boyfriends and I feel lonely just hanging out with the pets."

Niki stood up picking me off Heeseungs lap placing me on his own "so basically you miss our kisses hm shorty?" I rolled my eyes smacking his chest at his teasing "no! I feel lonely" he chuckled pecking my lips.

Jungwon sat up "I got an idea" I turned around looking at him "why don't we get Yeri-ah an assistant so that she won't feel lonely when we can't be with her and she can go out whenever she wants and not be alone" the boys all seemed happy with that idea.

"What'd you think sweetie?" Jake smiled at me waiting as I nodded "I'd actually really like that, since Eun Chae isn't always available I'll at least have someone who can be with me all the time" I clapped excited as the boys chuckled.

"Well then that's settled, we'll find you an assistant princess" I nodded at Heeseung smiling "but for now let's have a movie night" I jumped up at his offer as we all went to the cinema.


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