Weird 🤨

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Yeri POV
Today was the day my new assistant starts and I'm acc soo excited to meet her, the boys picked her themselves being careful and very protective over me refusing to hire a guy.

I was waiting in the living room when the doorbell rang "that's her!" The boys chuckled as Niki pinched my cheeks making me pouted "your soo cute when your excited love" I rolled my eyes as Jay went to get my new assistant.

"Yeri this your new assistant Choi Mia" the older woman (around 25) bowed with a smile "hi I'm Yeri" she smiled as I was about to shake her hand she hugged me taking me off guard but oh well.

"Well then we'll leave you two be" Heeseung pecked my cheek before leaving us "let's go shopping!" She smirked nodding "sure cutie" weird but whatever.

A week later

I got closer to Mia she's a bit odd yes but she probably wasn't raised in a normal Korean traditional household so it's fine "Mia~" she smiled hugging me "hey gorgeous" I think that's just her way of being affectionate.

I giggled "I'm hungry" I pouted as she chuckled "I'll make you some rice hm?" I nodded as we walked to the kitchen "sit on the counter" I nodded at her jumping on the counter.

She started cooking and when she let the rice boil she walked up to me and trapped me on the counter catching me off guard "Mia-" she placed her finger on my lips with a grin.

"Your soo pretty yk?" I shook my head uncomfortable trying to get some space when she pecked my cheek "those boys are lucky to have you" she smiled but the way she spoke about my boys she sounded....hateful?

"Done" she placed the rice in front of me and I immediately started eating when I heard a click making me look up to see her holding her phone "d-did you take a pic?" She nodded putting her phone down.

She tilted her head "yes I did sweetie why? You looked soo cute I couldn't help myself" I smiled awkwardly and nodded continuing eating as she watched me. She's a bit weird.

I finished and Mia cleaned up for me "I'm tired" I yawned as Mia chuckled "let's get you to bed then" I nodded with a smile as we walked to my room.

I got into my pjs and lay in bed when Mia sat down "aren't you gonna leave?" She shook her head "I'll leave after you've fallen asleep" I felt a bit uncomfortable with that.

"No no it's fine you can go" she shook her head again "I can't leave without making sure your okay" I nodded giving in forcing a smile as I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes to see her staring at me with a weird smile but I just smiled back trying to forget about her and fall asleep, she pecked my forehead "night cutie" I stayed still as she left the room making me let out a relieved sigh.


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