Tf? 🫢

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Yeri POV
I walked down the steps and towards the kitchen when I heard voices making me curious "hyung you can't do that to her she just escaped her father, we don't even know why she was soo traumatised she's not ready for it" Jay?

I peeped in to see Jay and Heeseung arguing? "Jay you don't understand we have such a great opportunity right here, she could be the perfect one for all of us plus we're getting older we NEED someone to mate with" wtf? Mate?!?!

I furrowed my brows completely lost I mean who tf uses mate it's fuking sex and baby making gosh saying mate is just gross "hyung come on-" "I've made my decision Jay!" They both glared at each other as I watched before my stupid ass stumbled and accidentally stepped in gathering all the attention.

My eyes were wide open as the two men stared at me shocked "Yeri? What are you doing here? Weren't you with Jake?" I nodded as I bit my lip nervously "um yeah I just needed water" I pointed at the sink between the two making them step back.

I squeezed in between and filled a glass while they both watched me making a shiver run down my spine "Yeri can I ask you a question?" I nodded at Heeseung as I stepped back while drinking the water.

"Have you ever been in love?" I almost spat out the water, that was random asfffff "oh um no I guess" he raised a brow at my uncertainty "well um I've been homeschooled my whole life so I never really had the opportunity to socialise with guys or even explore my sexuality" both their eyes widened "wait you might be gay?" I shrugged at Jays confusion.

I leaned on the counter as I looked at them "well I've never really been attracted to a girl or a guy well except Hwang In Yeop but who isn't in love with him" they looked kinda pissed at the mention of another man but eh.

"But I'm probably straight since I don't think I'd be attracted to a woman but anyways why'd you ask?" Heeseung shrugged "just curious but it's getting late I think you should go to bed" I nodded and put the cup back "night" they both waved at me as I left.

As I walked back up to the other boys to say goodnight I tried to think about what Jay and Heeseung were talking about, maybe they're just talking about a show? Werewolves do that mating shit right? Prolly something like teen wolf, Oh well.


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