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Yeri POV
I took a deep breath heading to my last boy "Heeseungie~" I slowly opened the door to see Heeseung parents but no Heeseung "where is he?" His father looked down "where is my boyfriend?!"

His mother smiled "ah Yeri-shi he went to his room, I think he wanted you to um talk to us" she handed me a closed note "he left this without a word" I nodded at his mother taking the note......

Hey princess I don't think I'm ready to face them yet, please talk to them for me then find me? I'll be waiting in my room love you - your hee

I smiled softly shoving the paper in my pocket before sitting opposite his parents "say what you need and I'll get him if I think your genuine, just so you know I won't let you hurt him" I gave a stern look to the two as they nodded.

"I'm happy he's angry" okay huh, I tilted my head at his mother "had we succeeded in forcing him into a marriage he wouldn't be as happy as he is with you" I softened nodding letting the two continue.

"We're horrible parents we know, those seven boys didn't deserve what happened and it was all our fault, we influenced all the parents thinking they would all come begging back but these boys are" his father paused chuckling.

"They're talented, determined, passionate and look at them now" a tear slipped past the elder man's eye, he was about to continue when I put my hand up "let me get Heeseung" the elders smiled softly nodding as I left.

I stepped out calling Heeseung "hey hee" I could hear him smiling through the phone "hey princess" I softened at his broken voice "I think you should hear them out, I'm not gonna force-" "turn around."

I turned putting the phone down smiling as I saw my boyfriend "are you sure you wanna-" "I trust you" I closed my mouth smiling softly "let's do this" I put my hand out as he chuckled putting his hand in mine.

He opened the door and his parents immediately smiled "hee~" I felt him tense as I pecked his cheek leading him to the sofa "speak" he folded his arms waiting.

"Heeseung hate us, please hate us we deserve it, we don't even deserve to be heard" his father sighed before his mother continued "your amazing Heeseung, you've achieved what me and your father could merely dream" I noticed a faint smile grow on Heeseung lips.

"That stupid marriage was fuked, I'm glad it all went to hell cuz that girl was fukin obsessed with you hee" my boyfriends eyes widened at his fathers words "I know I know she's getting help somewhere but what my point is was that we were being misunderstanding, we miss our son."

His father opened his mouth to continue when Heeseung spoke "let's not continue this talking bullshit, I know your sorry and your my parents, I can't not forgive you" he stood up hugging his mother and father "this is only happening because of that amazing woman" I rolled my eyes as he side hugged me.

"Now let's go enjoy a fukin barbecue" his parents chuckled nodding as we made our way down to the rest of the families, I'm actually surprised everything worked out soo well but what matters most, my boys are happy.


My seven wolves *enhypen OT7 ff*Where stories live. Discover now