Tf did she go?!?! 😠

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Heeseung POV
I woke up to someone shaking me frantically, I opened my eyes to see Jay standing in front of me "what do you want Jay?" I rubbed my eyes getting used to the brightness "Yeris gone!" WHAT.

I jumped out of bed "w-what?!??" He nodded "she escaped out her window last night and knocked out a guard" I pinched my nose stressed "fuk we have to find her" I was too attached to this girl to let go soo easily.

He ran out to tell the other boys while I called my men "how did she get passed all if you, WHAT DO I FUKIN PAY YOU FOR IF U CANT KEEP ONE DAMN GIRL IN MY HOUSE?!!" They all looked down scared "fukin find her" they bowed and rushed out my office.

I picked up a cigarette and walked to my balcony to look out and see my men running around frantically trying to find what's mine "I'll find you Yeri" I took a puff of my cigarette relaxing myself.

A few hours later one of my men barged into my office "I've f-found her" he handed me a tracker that had her pinged "bring her home" he nodded and rushed out as I smirked to myself.

Yeri POV
I was absolutely exhausted from how long I had to walk to finally find a corner shop but thankfully they let me rest here, I closed my eyes for a moment when suddenly the door burst open showing Heeseung men.

I stood up terrified "h-how??" They ignored me and dragged me out "thank you for your cooperation" one of the men bowed to the shop owners who fukin snaked me.

I started to kick my legs "LET GO, IM NOT GOING BACK THERE" but it was no use, tears started pouring out my eyes as I was driven back to that prison.

They parked up and one of the guards opened the door "Miss Kim we're here" I chose to ignore him and make myself comfortable "Miss Kim please" I knew he was just doing his job but I'm not going back there to be a fuked and gotten rid of.

He sighed and threw me over his shoulder "YAH PUT ME DOWN" I punched his back but no hope, I was taken inside and placed on the sofa "Mr Lee will be here soon" I rolled my eyes and nodded.

I sat with my arms folded as I waited "omg Yeri" I was pulled into a familiar set of arms "let me go Sunoo" I heard him sniffle before pulling away, awh he was crying NO HE WANTS TO USE ME NO SYMPATHY.

But I couldn't help myself but to wipe away his tears as he smiled and leaned into my touch "you had us worried" I looked over Sunoo's shoulder to see Jake and the other boys following behind.

We all sat in silence before Heeseung walked into the room with his terrifying aura, he didn't look at me as he walked around the room playing with a gun "so you thought you could run away hm princess?" Why does he sound soo fukin scary.

"I asked a question darling" oh shit he's pissssssed "oh um yes" he scoffed before cocking the gun "how many times have I told you YOU CANT FUKIN LEAVE" I flinched as he yelled at me.

I felt my eyes sting as I tried to bite back tears "I-I'm s-sorry-" "I DONT FUKIN CARE ABOUT SORRY, YOU WILL NEVER LEARN WILL YOU?!" I started to shake in fear as he clenched his teeth.

I could see the other boys looking at me worried but I was too fukin scared of Heeseung right now "DO YOU JUST NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT US?? ARE YOU REALLY THAT FUKIN SELFISH??" He stormed over to me and pulled me by my wrist to stand in front of him.

"DO I HAVE TO MAKE YOU CARE ABOUT US?!!?" He put the gun to my head glaring into my eyes "ARE YOU JUST AS FUKIN SELFISH AS YOUR FATHER" my heart dropped as my lip quivered.

My whole body was trembling "p-please H-heeseung-" "NO YOUR JUST LIKE YOUR FUKIN FATHER" I felt my heart clench as my breathing picked up "hyung let's stop here" all attention moved to Sunghoon as he walked over to us.

He gently pulled me away from Heeseung "I'll take her to her room, I think you should get some rest hyung" he didn't argue as Sunghoon led me to my room.

I was still shaking as we walked in and he sat me on my bed "I'll get some ointment for your wrists" I looked down and saw bruises I didn't realise were there.

He returned quickly and sat in front of me carefully applying the ointment, a smile formed on my lips as I looked at his concentrated face "and done" he pressed a kiss to my knuckles catching me off guard.

A small amount of blush spread across my cheeks "thanks Sunghoon" he looked at me and smiled softly before squeezing my arm reassuringly "please forgive hyung he acted out of fear of loosing you" my lips formed a thin line "I'll try" he smiled brightly and pat my head. Aish whys he acting soo sweet all of a sudden.


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