Escape 2.0 🚪🏃‍♀️

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Yeri POV
I didn't plan on giving up I am WAYYYYY too stubborn for that shit, they left me alone for today but have still been giving me my meals, I only ate to have energy to get outta this hellhole.

I knew the front door wasn't an option now and these amateur bitches didn't think to lock the windows and a small girl like me can get far 😇.

I didn't unpack the bag so I was fully prepared for my escape, I felt like I was in some spy film or some shit 😭😭 it was 6am and I know that all the boys are asleep by this time so I opened my window carefully and tied my bedsheets so I could climb down.

I tied a knot to the end of the bedsheet so I wouldn't drop and when it was fully secure I threw down my bag and started to climb down slowly.

I finally made it to the bottom and clapped my hands "I fukin did it" I giggled to myself and picked up my bag and started walking fuk knows where but anywhere's better than here.

I hid behind bushes as I walked towards the front gate hiding from the boys guards who were fukin placed at every corner of this god damn place.

I slipped out to the outside world and let out a deep breath "freedom" I started walking but stopped "Miss Kim?" Shit, I turned to see one of the guards and smiled at him "oh hi" I waved like a kid and walked towards him.

"Where you going on your own?" I smiled fakely "oh well I'm going out with a friend" "did Mr Lee give you permission?" I nodded obvs lying "well I'll have to ask" he reached for his walkie talkie.

I sighed before whacking him in the head with my bag "sorry~" he fell unconscious landing with a thud making me wince but I made sure he was comfortable on the floor before walking to my new life.


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