Kitty 🎁

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I'm obsessed with Sunghoons hair recently, soo pretty 😍

Yeri POV
I was on call with Eun Chae when I heard a knock on the door "baby?" I smiled at Sunoo as he peaked in "Chae I gtg I'll text you later bye" I hung up and smiled at Sunoo.

"Hey sunny" he smiled waddling over to me "hi beautiful you okay?" I nodded with a smile "what brings you here?" He pecked my cheek sitting me on his lap "we have a surprise."

My eyes glowed before slapping his arm lightly "you guys spoil me too much" I pouted as he chuckled and ruffled my hair "it's because your our little baby, we have to spoil you."

I giggled as he wrapped his arms around my waist "Heeseung hyung told me to bring you to the living room" I nodded as I held his hand "letchugooo" he giggled as I dragged him downstairs.

"Hey sweetie" Jake pulled me away from Sunoo back hugging me "your soo clingy Jakey" he pouted as I turned around smiling "don't tease me sweets" I giggled getting on my tippy toes to peck his lips "your too cute Jakey."

We were pulled away by Niki holding me in his long arms "stay away from her Jake hyung, she's still a baby you can't be disgusting with her" I giggled as he snuggled his face into my neck.

"I love you shorty" I giggled "I love you too Niks" he smiled the lil cutey "princess come sit here" I looked over at Heeseung as he pat the seat next to him making me and Niki walk over and sit.

"So what's the surprise" all the boys seated watching me "it wouldn't be a surprise if we told you would it jagiya?" I rolled my eyes at Jungwon "don't roll your eyes at me or I'll give you something to roll your eyes at" he smirked cheekily.

My eyes widened at Jungwons inappropriate words but Jay smacked the back of his head "she's a baby don't say that" he rolled his eyes at his hyung chuckling.

"Anyways to the surprise" I looked up at Sunghoons words "tell me what it is~" he shook his head with a grin "patience angel" I pouted "puts those lips away before I kiss them."

My lips formed a thin line taken aback "now we'll bring in the surprise so close your eyes angel" I nodded putting my hands over my eyes "your hands are tiny just like you" I glared at Niki punching his arm "shut up" he chuckled as I covered my eyes again.

I heard Sunghoon walk out the room and return when I heard a weird sound "what's that?" I was about to remove my hands when Niki kept them there "no peaking shorty that ruins the fun" one day imma kill this guy.

"Okay open your eyes darling" I opened my eyes to see a bunch of tiny kittens in a box meowing........

"Awhhhh they're soo tiny" I jumped off the couch and started petting the kitties "you can pick one to keep" I looked up at Heeseung excited "really?!" He nodded smiling widely

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"Awhhhh they're soo tiny" I jumped off the couch and started petting the kitties "you can pick one to keep" I looked up at Heeseung excited "really?!" He nodded smiling widely.

I was in love with these kitties "awh how am I suppose to just pick one of you guys" I looked up to see all the boys staring at me with a smile "stop staring and help me choose" they pulled out of their zoned out state and sat around petting the kitties.

Niki picked up a kitten "look at this one it's soo cute" I smiled as he rubbed his nose on the kitten making my heart melt at the cute image "why don't we just keep all of them" Heeseung pouted looking at all the kittens.

"We can't do that hee" he pouted "why I'm rich enough" I rolled my eyes "they won't get the attention and love they deserve" he pouted "fine" I giggled pecking his cheek "your soo cute" he blushed looking at the kittens embarrassed.

I caught this tabby kitten staring at me making me furrow my brows "well hello there cutie" I picked it up checking it's ass "so your a boy" he mewed rubbing his face on mine making me giggle.

"I've picked one" the kitten rolled out my hand onto my lap and pulled at my dress as I giggled "this little weirdo is mine" the boys smiled sweetly "another troublemaker great now we have three" Jay sighed the old man.

Niki tilted his head "three?" Jay rolled his eyes "yes you Yeri and tiny kitty over there" the youngest eyes widened "ME?!?? IM NOT TROUBLSOME" all the boys scoffed "don't lie Niki" he huffed at Heeseung.

"What you gonna name him?" Jungwon smiled I thought about it as the kitty scratched at the sofa "THATS EXPENSIVE" Jay pushed the kitten away from the couch as I giggled "Monkey, cuz he's got the energy of a monkey" the boys smiled and nodded "aish your soo cute sweetie" I rolled my eyes at Jake as he pinched my cheeks.

"I'm going to my room to cuddle Monkey here" I pecked the kittens nose as I walked off to my room and lay down in my bed with the kitten stroking it. Me Niki and Monkey are deffo gonna burn this house down.


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