Im sorry 😣

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Yeri POV
I've been getting more and more comfortable with the boys as the days went by but still anytime I see Heeseung I run in the opposite direction and good for me he hasn't been too pushy but ik I have to deal with it eventually.

I was sitting in Sunoo's room watching Doona with him when someone knocked on the door so Sunoo called for them to come in, a little Jake peeped through and smiled before bouncing inside.

He sat on the bed in front of me and smiled tensely before holding my hands making me furrow my brows confused "Heeseung hyung called for you" oh okay now it makes sense.

My smile dropped "Jake idk if I wanna talk to him" he squeezed my hands and smiled "if you really don't want to then it's fine but I think this conversation will be good for you sweetheart, I'll be just outside the door if you need me hm?" I took a moment to think before nodding "sure" he smiled and stood up.

He led me to Heeseungs office and when we got there he turned to me and held my hands "if you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable feel free to leave I'll be right here okay?" I smiled and nodded before he knocked on the door.

Soon after we heard confirmation that we could come in so Jake opened the door and smiled reassuringly before I walked in alone "morning Yeri take a seat" Heeseung was looking out the window as I sat down shakily.

He turned around and I felt my heart stop at his icy gaze, he sat down in front of me and sighed before speaking "I'm sorry" eh?!?! I raised my brows thinking I misheard.

He looked up and smiled softly "I fuked up, badly" he looked me in the eyes "I understand if you don't want to accept my apology but I will never be able to forgive myself for what I did, it was wrong and soo out of place" he stood up and walked round to stand in front of me before HE GOT DOWN ON HIS KNEES.

He bowed his head and went down to my feet "please forgive me Yeri-ah" I heard his voice cracking between sniffles making me feel sympathetic for him.

I smiled softly and lifted him off the ground "I forgive you Heeseung but please don't ever beg" he looked at me with teary eyes "t-thank your Yeri-shi" I reached to wipe away his tears.

I pulled him into a hug and rested my head on his chest as I rubbed his back "shhh it's alright Heeseung, everyone makes mistakes" he sniffled as he held tight onto my body "b-but my m-mistake was u-unforgivable" I shhhed him until he calmed down.

I looked up at him as we pulled away "come on let's go eat some ramyeon hm?" He cracked a smile and nodded "sure" I interlocked our fingers as I led him downstairs. Ik I didn't have to forgive him but for some reason him being soo broken hurt me and I never wanna see him cry again.


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