Baby sister 👧

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Yeri POV
Today was finally the day it'd see my brothers after soo many years, Heeseung told me my brothers would be here in half and hour so I decided to change into something pretty for today.......

Yeri POVToday was finally the day it'd see my brothers after soo many years, Heeseung told me my brothers would be here in half and hour so I decided to change into something pretty for today

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I smiled to myself before going down to help Jay in the kitchen "JayJay~" he turned and smiled while stirring something in a pan "hey darling" he hugged me briefly before continuing cooking.

"Watcha making?" I got on my tippy toes to look in the pot "pasta, why? Do your brother not like it? Should I make something else-" I started giggling making him pause "wae?" I shook my head "it's cute how nervous you are, are you trying to impress my brothers?" He bit his lip shyly.

I pinched his cheeks "your soo cute Jay-ah" he rolled his eyes chuckling before grabbing my waist pulling me till our bodies were touching making me gasp "aren't I supposed to say that to you?" He tilted his head amused as I hid my face in his chest shy.

"Where the boys anyways?" He shrugged "prolly getting changed, I'm not just nervous all of us are" I smiled feeling fuzzy at the thought of all of them wanting to make a good impression with my brothers.

As me and Jay were talking someone walked in "well don't you look cute sweetie?" I turned to see Jake smirking as he walked over to us and pecked my lips "could say the same about you sexy" he chuckled as the other boys slowly walked in........

As me and Jay were talking someone walked in "well don't you look cute sweetie?" I turned to see Jake smirking as he walked over to us and pecked my lips "could say the same about you sexy" he chuckled as the other boys slowly walked in

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"You guys all look soo handsome" they smiled each of them turning slightly red "stop flirting shorty, that's our job" I rolled my eyes with a smile as Niki ruffled my hair.

Suddenly the door rang making me jump up excited "they're here!" The boys chuckled before Jungwon walked up to me and held my hand "should we go greet them?" I nodded as the two of us walked to the door while the other boys set up the dinner table.

Jungwon looked at me "ready?" I nodded as he opened the door, I froze as I looked at the two boys I hadn't seen in years "cupcake?" I felt a tear slip past my eyes.......

The two boys smiled softly before pulling me into a hug "it's been 3 years Yeri, I can't believe we've finally found you" we pulled away and EJ the older twin wiped away my tears as Nicholas stroked my back calming me down

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The two boys smiled softly before pulling me into a hug "it's been 3 years Yeri, I can't believe we've finally found you" we pulled away and EJ the older twin wiped away my tears as Nicholas stroked my back calming me down.

"I-is it really you?" They looked at each other briefly before nodding "our baby sister back with us finally" I smiled at Nicholas softly as they both stepped in "you haven't grown a bit" I rolled my eyes at Nicholas before slapping his arm "JJ he's bullying me~" Ej chuckled before slapping the back of Nicholas head.

"It's been a while since I've heard that nickname" I smiled as he ruffled my hair "we searched everywhere for you cupcake" I nodded "I know you did, but he's gone now" the two shared a look.

"Really? I mean we heard rumours but is it true?" I nodded with a smile at Nicholas "he's gone, the boys saved me from him" I held Jungwons hand stepping closer to him "boys?" The two raised their brows interested.

I bit my lip nervously "I'll explain later, just come in for now" they rolled their eyes and nodded following me to the dining room "this is a big house hm?" I nodded "they're rich" the two shared a look but eh.

We all sat at the dining room in silence, my boys all looking uncomfortable "why is it awkward?" My brothers shrugged glaring at each of the boys.......

I scrunched up two tissues and threw them at my brothers "stop scaring them, Jay put a lot of effort into making this for you guys so fukin eat!" The two grimaced but started eating "language Yeri" I rolled my eyes at my eldest brother

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I scrunched up two tissues and threw them at my brothers "stop scaring them, Jay put a lot of effort into making this for you guys so fukin eat!" The two grimaced but started eating "language Yeri" I rolled my eyes at my eldest brother.

"The foods not bad, which one of you is Jay" Ej looked around emotionless unusual to his normal bubbly personality as Jay nervously put his hand up "m-me" my eldest brother nodded "teach Yeri how to cook, she can't make a simple toast to save her life" I rolled my eyes "yah! It's been 3 years things change."

He raised a brow amused "oh? So what can you make?" I pouted and looked down "shut up" he chuckled shaking his head "I want to know everything" Nicholas suddenly spoke up in a stern voice.

"What do you-" "not from you" he looked around the room at each of the boys "from them" I was about to argue but Heeseung put his hand up "if Yeri is okay with me saying this...." I nodded as he continued "we're her boyfriends."

My two brothers eyes widened "we're? All of you?!" Out of my two brothers Nicholas is the louder one but when it comes to being protective Ej won't hesitate to scream at anyone who comes near me.

"JJ it's-" "not a word from you" Ej glared at me making me go silent "you" he pointed at Niki as he had pasta half way out his mouth "m-me?" My brother nodded as the youngest boy looked around at his hyungs scared for his life.

"Ej-" "silence!" I huffed as I sat back and waited for hell "now tell me what you think of my sister?" The young boy fiddled with his fingers anxiously making me smile at his cuteness.

"Um well Yeri is an amazing woman, when I first saw her I didn't expect her to mean soo much to me, I've never really been one for feelings and crap but she" he looked at me with a smile "she makes my heart go weak, every time I look at her I realise how lucky we are to have her" my heart softened as I listened to him.

"I understand your worry for her and I know that none of us are worthy of her love but we'll all try our best" he bowed his head respectful "that was soo cute Niks" he turned to me with a smile as I reached over reached over and pinched his cheeks "yah~" I giggled as he smiled softly.

Ej cleared his throat "you all really love her?" He looked around as each boy nodded "and you love them?" I nodded "they saved me from appa and cared for me like I was one of their own, I'm soo grateful for them" they all stared at me in adoration making me blush slightly.

"Wah 7 boys liking that ugly rat? Really?" My eyes widened at Nicholas "YAH!" "WAE!" We both glared at each other "anyways I can see how much you all love our little Yeri and she loves you so I'll allow this" my eyes brightened at Ej words "really?!" Both me and Nicholas said at the same time.

Ej nodded "she's old enough, we've missed 3 years of her life I don't wanna come back and act exactly like appa did" he looked to Heeseung "I assume your the eldest?" He nodded at my brother "then I place the trust in your hands, any of you hurt her I'll fuk you up" he glared at each boy before smiling "congrats cupcake."

We all continued eating "wah can't believe we're letting the rat date" I scowled at Nicholas "you shut up, it's not like you get to make decisions yourself stuck to JJ ass 24/7" the older boy stood up with a bawled fist but was pulled back down by his older brother.

"Calm down Nico, anyways just make sure to use a condom" my eyes widened as I hid my face in my hands "EJ!?!??" All the boys turned red "why? I'm just being realistic?" I groaned hiding my face in Sunghoon arm as he chuckled.


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