Epilogue 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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15 years later

Yeri POV
It's been fifteen years since I gave birth to little Jinwoo Nikis first child who is now 15 and we have Julie Nikis second child who is 5, Jay has a daughter Jamie who's 13, Jake has little Minho who's 12 and our daughter Yena who's 9, Sunghoon had twins Minji and Minju who are 10, Sunoo has our little girl Kenji who's 7, Jungwon has Haerin who's 6 and Heeseung who has two little girls Wonyoung who's 3 and Lily who's 1.

I finally got Lily to sleep "night baby" I pecked her forehead tiptoeing out the room "hey princess I got your makeup powder-" I threw my hands on his mouth "I just got her to sleep" I whispered but sadly it was too late.

She started crying again as I groaned, Heeseung chuckled pecking my cheek "go rest, I'll put her back to bed" I smiled widely pecking his lips before shooting out only to my room to find Julie and Haerin sitting on my bed watching something on Jungwons phone.

"You know we have a tv for you two use?" The two looked up at me smiling innocently "we can't eomma Jinwoo and Minho Oppa are hogging it" I groaned jumping on the bed "do you want eomma to kick their ass?" The two girl nodded excited as I chuckled "letchugo~".

The two followed me down to the living room "Nishimura Jinwoo, Sim Minho why do you think you can bully your little sisters?" The little girls hid behind my legs making faces at their older brothers but kids 🤷‍♀️.

I folded my arms waiting for the two boys to respond "eomma it's not fair they always watch stupid Ever after high, it's boring!" I scoffed at Minho "go game with your appa, let them have the tv!" They groaned as Jinwoo gave the remote to Julie.

"Appa is hogging the switch with Jamie" I face palmed at the explanation of Niki from his son which sounded accurate "has appa Jay not bought the second switch?!" The two shook their head "let's go find that idiot" aish being a mother.

I stormed into Jays office to find him and Jake gaming on his phone with Kenji but hurriedly tried hiding it "I'm just teaching Kenji how to make a Lego ninja" I scoffed at Jakes stupid lie.

"Jay order the damn switch for the boys, for now include these two idiots" I shoved the two forward "eomma-" "No I will slap if I don't get sleep" they went silent nodding.

I walked toward my room and on the way heard a shriek "no you do not EAT a face mask, your exactly like Sunghoon hyung" I walked in to find Sunoo putting face masks on Minji and Minju making me chuckle at his stressed state.

"Baby help me~ these two are as stupid as their father" I chuckled "am not appa is stupider" Sunoo rolled his eyes sassily at Minji "bye bye" I waved as Sunoo screamed at Minju biting his glass face roller.

I finally made it to my room and jumped on the bed "soft~" I snuggled the pillow when I hear a chuckle "enjoying yourself?" I nodded as Sunghoon cuddled up next to me.

"Tired?" I nodded "Lily is one loud bitch, I'm surprised she ain't Nikis biological daughter" Sunghoon chuckled pecking my forehead "sleep, Jay hyung can make dinner" I nodded falling asleep in his arms. I love my life.

The end.


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