Test 🤰

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Yeri POV
It's been a few weeks since we got back from Spain and trust me when I say there was a fuk load of sex on that holiday I mean literally everyday the guys were horny as fuk I was fukin limping to the plane.

The last few days I've been feeling kinda sick so I text Eun Chae to come with me to the doctors "it's probably just a bug" I hmed at the elder girl as we waited to be called by my private doctor the boys had gotten for me 'just in case'.

"Miss Kim?" I stood up smiling at my doctor (Mrs Yoon) as we walked in "it's been a while Miss Kim, what's going on?" I sat up biting my lip "the last few days I've been feeling really ill, I've been vomiting nonstop, I feel really weak, I've been craving some weird stuff."

Eun Chae nodded "she asked for pickles on pizza the other day" she scrunched her nose disgusted as I rolled my eyes "Miss Kim may I ask when your last period was?" I furrowed my brows confused as I pulled out the period tracker app.

"I mean it's a few weeks late but I don't understand...." I trailed off the realisation hit "wait I couldn't be...." Mrs Yoon smiled nodding "we can check with this machine if you'd like?" I nodded anxiously "I'll be back soon, I'll just have to set it up" I nodded as she walked out the room.

Eun Chae held my hand squeezing it "how you feeling?" I looked up at her smiling softly "I'm kinda excited" she hugged me "you should be but don't get your hopes up" I nodded as we both smiled happily.

"Miss Kim we're ready" I nodded walking over to the room Mrs Yoon led us to "just lay there please" I nodded laying on the bed as she set up the machine.

"Now imma put this cream on your stomach" I held Eun Chaes hand as Mrs Yoon spread the cream before picking up this remote thing "this may tickle a bit" I bit my lip anxiously as she moved the remote around my stomach..... "congratulations Miss Kim......your pregnant."

My eyes widened as I squealed "can I see it?" Mrs Yoon nodded pointing at the screen "that little thing is your baby" me and Eun Chae awhd as Mrs Yoon cleaned me up.

I thanked the middle aged lady as we walked out "thanks Mrs Yoon, please don't tell the boys, I'd like to tell them when the times right" she nodded smiling "I understand, I'll see you at your next check up."

We walked out of the hospital and I felt soo fukin giddy "omg Yeri" Eun Chae hugged me "your gonna be a mother" I giggled as she started crying "and your gonna be an auntie" she pulled away sniffling. She's soo precious.

"Let me treat you out, anywhere you wanna go but please no weird pregnancy cravings" I giggled nodding as we went to get ice cream, while we were chatting I noticed a baby shop. Damn this was real. I'm gonna be a mother,


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