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Yeri POV
I called the boys down for a little conversation "yes baby?" Sunoo walked in looking worried making me smile at his cuteness "don't be scared sunny your not in trouble" he nodded blushing while I giggled.

Eventually the room filled with all of my boys "what did you wanna talk to us about princess?" Heeseung smiled seeming to find this interesting "I have a few questions I wanna ask you guys about and I thought it's best to talk to all of you about them, is that okay?" The boys all nodded smiling at me.

"Okay firstly I wanna know everything about this whole werewolf thing, be honest I will love you guys no matter what I just wanna be able to understand how I can help you better" they smiled softly at me as Jay spoke up "we're actually quite normal like unless it's a full moon we can change whenever we want but it took us a while to get control of ourselves."

I nodded as Jake continued "yeah we like can transform into wolves, we tend to eat a lot more meat cuz of our natural instincts and we have the ability the turn people into wolves" I nodded "do you age normally? Cuz vampires don't WAIT do vampires exist?!" The boys chuckled as Sunghoon nodded.

"Yes angel vampires do exist and we age normally like you" I nodded as my mouth formed at 'o' "how did you guys become werewolves? Or were you born this way?" They looked at each other sharing uneasy glances "you don't have to answer if you don't wanna."

Heeseung shook his head softly "your our gf of course we wanna be honest with you" I blushed and nodded as he continued "four years ago..........

Four years ago

Heeseung POV
Me and the boys had just finished up at a party and were drunk out our minds, we were messing around when we came across this woods "woah that's looks sick let's go check if there's any weird wolves" we all laughed at Jungwon as we started to walk into the woods.

We were drunkly walking through the forest when we got tired "hyung my legs hurt~" I chuckled at our youngest Niki wrapping my arm around his shoulder "should I kick em? Make you feel better?" he rolled his eyes "your soo mean hyung" I chuckled as we all sat down on logs.

"Guess what I snuck from the party..." Jake pulled out a bottle of wine as we all cheered, he opened the bottle taking a sip before passing it around.

We were minding our business enjoying our stupid teenage life when I heard a noise making me turn and look at the bushes "did you guys hear that?" The boys shook their heads as I furrowed my brows confused but brushed it off too drunk to give a fuk.

A few minutes later I hear it again and looked to my side at Sunoo "you heard that as well hyung?" I nodded as he bit his lip worried making me wrap an arm around him "it's okay Sunoo it's probably just a rat" he nodded cuddling up to me.

We were talking when I felt something was off, I stood up to see a pack of wolves in front of us "EVERYONE GET UP!!!" The boys all hastily stood up behind me and Jay.

"H-hyung I'm scared" Sunoo and Niki were hugging each other with tears in their eyes "Jake and Jungwon look after those two while me Jay and Sunghoon scare the wolves off" the two nodded moving as us three moved towards the wolves carefully.

"Hyung what do we do?" Sunghoon looked at me scared "try and look bigger and more dominant" the two nodded following me, we tried scaring off the wolves but they just.....chuckled?

Then the craziest shit happened, the wolves turned into humans? "Am I really that drunk?" Jay slapped his head as the men in front of us chuckled.

"No little boy your seeing us, we're werewolves" my eyes widened ain't that some fairytale shit? "We don't mean any harm please leave us" I tried persuading them, there was about 12 of them.

"Awh such naive boys, don't worry we'll give you all something to live for" they jumped at us biting our necks, I cried as I thought it was our last moments alive but what broke me even more was hearing the screams of my best friends. I was responsible for them and I let them down.

A few hours later

I woke up to a fat ass headache "wtf?" I looked around to see the boys laying on the floor making me run and try and wake them up "h-hyung?" I hugged Jungwon "help me wake them up" he nodded following me.

After we were all awake we made a fire to warm up "wth happened? I thought we were gonna die" Sunoo sniffled as Jake comforted him "idk those werewolf dudes.....what did they do to us?"

Suddenly our youngest screamed "h-hyung" he looked at me terrified as he started to transform into a wolf, slowly all of us did the same "wtf?!?" I looked around to see all of us as wolves.

We transformed back into humans "hyung are we?" I looked at Jay sharing the same fear, from that day onwards we had permanently become werewolves.

Yeri POV
I felt a tear slip past my eye at Heeseungs story "shh Jagiya it's alright, everything happens for a reason" he smiled softly rubbing my arm lovingly "that's horrible, you were soo young" they nodded looking down.

"Niki was 14?" The youngest boy nodded looking down sadly "this is soo wrong, I'm soo sorry" I continued crying as Jake walked over to comfort me as well.

"Don't apologise darling, we can't change the past" he smiled warmly "your all soo strong, you've been through soo much I'm proud of you all" they all smiled "want a hug?" They nodded as we had a group hug. I need to protect these boys.


My seven wolves *enhypen OT7 ff*Where stories live. Discover now