Can I have your number? 🐩

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Yeri POV
I woke up to someone shaking me and opened my eyes to see an overly excited Niki "yah lemme sleep" he looked at me done "get up before I drag you to the bathroom myself" I flipped over and cuddled the blanket "you asked for it" and with that the damn Nishimura threw me over his shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN U TALL ASS GIRAFFE BEFORE I MURDER YOUR GAMING SET" I slapped his back but no use he ignored me making me give up, when we got to the bathroom he placed me down and smiled cheekily "now get ready and if your not when I come back I'll change you myself okay?" I stuck my tongue out at him and kicked him out.

I freshened up and walked back to my room to get changed, I was in the mood to look pretty but also something comfy and warm........

I smiled to myself at my perfect choice and wobbled downstairs to meet with the integrity boys "I'm here~" they all turned to look at me all dressed in simple outfits "isn't that a bit low necked?" Oh my days this grandad 🤦‍♀️

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I smiled to myself at my perfect choice and wobbled downstairs to meet with the integrity boys "I'm here~" they all turned to look at me all dressed in simple outfits "isn't that a bit low necked?" Oh my days this grandad 🤦‍♀️.

"Im sorry Jay for having a sense of style" he rolled his eyes but then I noticed the glares of the other guys "what? It really isn't that bad guys" Niki walked up to me and hugged me "soft~" eh?

He pulled back and smiled "I like it, it's nice and soft so I have an excuse to hug Yeri now" this random idiot, I punched his arm "let's just go" they agreed hesitantly as they went to get the dogs while I got in the car.

We arrived at the local park and all got out with Sunghoon holding Gaeuls leash, Jungwon and Maume, Jake and Layla and lastly me and Niki struggling with the energetic bisco while Jay enjoyed enjoyed the surroundings like the old man that he is and Sunoo took nonstop pics.

"Okay but how tf is a dog soo crazy, Jesus" Niki had given up on the dog and now I was being dragged by that tiny little devil with my small weight "enjoy~" I threw up my middle finger at Niki as we finally entered the park.

Jay lay out the picnic mat while Sunoo set up all the food, I thud onto the ground exhausted and let the dog run free "I'm never holding that beasts leash again" Niki chuckled as he sat next to me.

We were sat eating while the dogs were running around "um excuse me miss" I looked up to see this young guy smiling down at me, I stood up smiling "oh hi" he smiled shyly and looked back to see his friends cheering him on.

"Hi I um I'm Zhanghao" he put his hand out to shake which I obvs shook "I'm Yeri, nice to meet you Hao" he smiled shyly which I thought was kinda cute "well I um came cuz I um just thought you were really pretty and I would kill myself if I didn't ask but um can I get your number?" I smiled at the cute guy.

I was about to give him my number when someone's arm wrapped around my waist "she's taken" uh yeah I don't think I am, I looked up to see Jungwon glaring at the guy possessively "oh um well um can we still be friends?" He was soo cute and shy aigoo.

I pushed Jungwon away and smiled sweetly "of course here *****" after giving him my number he smiled like a puppy "thanks I'll see ya around Yeri-ah" I waved at him as he jogged back to his friends.

I sat back down and smacked Jungwons shoulder "owh?" I glared at him "he just wanted my number you didn't have to be soo dramatic gosh" I rolled my eyes as Jungwon stuck his tongue out.

"Okay it's decided we pick what you wear from now on" my eyes widened at Jakes stupid statement "excuse me?!?!" He shrugged "your excused" istg I'm gonna punch him, I looked over at Sunghoon for help but he put his hands up "sorry angel I can't help you I agree with them" these little shits.

I folded my arms and stood up "fuk you all I'm going to play with the less annoying beings" I huffed and stormed off to the dogs, okay big mistake all four of them ran up to me and jumped on me.

I giggled as I lay on the ground helpless but was soon saved by Jake "shouldn't have been soo stubborn hm" I rolled my eyes and pushed him away "fuk off I could've dealt with it myself" he pouted jandhshsdjjdjj cutie.

I was about to walk off when he pulled me back and back hugged me "I'm sorry~" I slumped my shoulders as I gave in "it's fine but I'm still gonna dress how I want" he let go of me and stood in front "that's fine but just means one of us are gonna be with you at all times" these protective mfs.

I smiled and nodded "that's fine just decreases the chances of me getting raped" his eyes widened "honestly why would your brain go to that gosh" I giggled as we started to play with the dogs.


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