DNA 👩🏻‍🍼

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Yeri POV
It's been a few months since I got saved by my boys and god do I feel like a princess, pampered by 7 boys, my brothers visiting and taking care of me, the boys families sending food and spending time with me. It was perfect.

Heeseung booked an appointment with Mrs Yoon to find out who's the biological father of the child in me "you look gorgeous angel" I smiled softly at Sunghoon as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

We were in the doctors waiting room "listen" I gathered all the attention of my boys "is something wrong sweets?" I shook my head at Jake smiling warmly.

"I want you to know it doesn't matter who the father is because I want to raise him/her with each of you" their gazes softened on me as Jungwon squeezed my hand "of course Jagiya."

I was playing uno with Niki and Sunoo "pick up four bitch" I grinned at Niki as he held his chest "awh if only I had a.....pick up two" he grinned as Sunoo sulked "fuk both of you" he picked up the 6 cards pouting making me giggle and peck his lips.

"Miss Kim?" All the boys stood up looking at Mrs Yoon while I threw my last card on the pile "I WIN FUKERS!" I froze looking at Mrs Yoon who was smiling amused "oh" Jay chuckled wrapping his arm around my waist as we walked in.

I sat on the bed thing swaying my legs bored as Heeseung talked to Mrs Yoon "stop kicking your legs" I pouted at Jake "bully" I stuck my tongue out as he shook his head with a small smile.

"Okay Yeri you ready? I'll be putting the cream on your stomach to use the machine" I nodded lying down as she lifted my top "oop" Niki stared at the floor his cheeks turning red.

I furrowed my brows "are you shy to see my...stomach?" He bit his lip nodding as I chuckled "dude you've seen me ass naked, how you think we got here?" His ears turned bright red as he covered his pinkish face making me giggle at my boyfriends cuteness.

Mrs Yoon put the cream on my stomach making me giggle "it's t-ticklish" the elder lady chuckled continuing her job while the boys stared at me in adoration "the fact that she's holding one of our children is scary" I glared at Sunghoon as they chuckled.

"Ah here we go, that's your little baby" she pointed at the screen as all the boys stared at where she was pointing in awe "it's soo tiny" I smiled softly at Sunoo's confusion.

"So the gender is.......congrats your having a baby boy" the boys jumped up happily as Mrs Yoon printed off a picture of the little guy for us.

"And now the dna test" she pulled out a packet handing it to me "I'll leave you to open the answer" I nodded as she walked out "ready?" The boys all nodded staring in anticipation.

"And the child is......K's" all their faces dropped "how the fu-" "I'm joking" I giggled as they all deadpanned at me "okay seriously........I'm holding Nikis child" all eyes moved to the youngest boy.

He froze "s-seriously?" I nodded smiling softly as he bit his lip "do you not-" "I'm soo happy shorty" I giggled as he wrapped his arms around me.

We pulled away and he pecked my lips "let's all raise this little boy to be just like me" Niki puffed out his chest earning a grossed out look from Jay "let's not" I chuckled as Niki side eyed hyung.

"In celebration Niki can cook dinner, practice yeah?" Jungwon teased Niki who's face dropped "ay hyung if I learnt to cook then Jay hyung would be useless" "yah you little shit" he grabbed the youngest ear "wifey save me~" my heart stopped as Niki called me that. I really will be their wife one day.


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