A word? 😡

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Yeri POV
I squinted as I woke up to the frickin blinding sun, I groaned and turned to find a certain Park laying next to me "oh" I looked up at him as he slept peacefully making a smile grow on my lips.

I grabbed his phone since I don't have mine to check the time 8am cuz I'm not trusted 🙄, I put his phone back and decided to admire his handsome features "pretty" I played with his hair carefully before deciding to wake him up.

I shook him gently "wakey wakey Sunghoon-ah~" he groaned before opening his eyes and smiling "morning angel~" I giggled at his HAWT raspy voice "morning hoonie" he sat up and stared at me.

"W-what?" He shook his head "nothing" I squinted my eyes playfully "weirdo" he chuckled and got up "let's go for breakfast" I immediately shook my head not wanting to see the rest of the boys.

He tilted his head confused "I'm scared to see the others" he sighed and sat down opposite me, he held my hands and smiled softly "I promise to stay by your side but please I'm soooooooo hungry" I giggled at his exaggeration and nodded "fine" he jumped up and dragged me downstairs with him.

We walked into the dining room to find everyone already eating "morning" everyone's attention moved to us as Sunghoon interrupted "oh hey hoon, come sit the foods getting cold" Sunghoon smiled at Jay and nodded about to walk when I pulled the back of his shirt.

He turned to face me looking concerned "what is it angel?" I looked down shyly fiddling with my fingers "can I sit with you?" He chuckled and nodded as he reached down to hold my hand "of course Yers" my face lit up as we walked hand in hand to sit down.

I looked down at my plate avoiding everyone's gaze as I poked my food "stop playing with your food Yeri!" Heeseung spoke in a stern tone making my headshot up fearful and immediately started eating.

I heard a sigh from Sunghoon as he put his knife and fork down "Heeseung hyung a word?" Heeseung didn't look up and continued eating "I'm listening" "in private hyung" Sunghoon was speaking through gritted teeth.

Heeseung looked up with that same scary ass look and nodded "my office" he stood up and walked out, Sunghoon stood up and pecked my head while smiling reassuringly "I'll be back soon, eat up" I smiled back and nodded as he walked out.

Sunghoon POV
I followed behind hyung into his office, as soon as we reached I shut the door behind me and stood in front of hyung who was already seated "sit" I shook my head "I'm more comfortable like this" he nodded and sat back waiting.

I sighed and looked at Heeseung "hyung I think your being too harsh with Yeri, she's just a kid" he scoffed and looked up at me "harsh? She left us Sunghoon and didn't give a single fuk!" I could hear the anger in his voice but also a hint of hurt.

"Hyung please understand how hard this must be on her I mean she just got a whole load of information dropped on her soo suddenly and probably feels like she can't trust anyone anymore" I heard Heeseung sigh and nod.

He sat up and looked at me "okay I'll try and be softer on her" I cracked a smile and bowed "thank you soo much hyung" I was about to turn and leave when he stopped me "it's just" I sat down and looked at my hyung worried.

He pinched the bridge of his nose obviously stressed "I'm scared, scared of loosing her I mean what if one day she does disappear and we never see her again. I can't risk that Sunghoon I think I've........I think I've fallen for her" my eyes widened at hyungs sudden confession.

I smiled at him softly and reached to hold his hand reassuringly "I understand you hyung, I think I feel the same for her" his head shot up as I smiled and nodded "we just need to give her time to process everything and not drop anymore sudden news on her."

He nodded understanding and stood up before walking towards me, I furrowed my brows confused when he pulled me into a hug knowing how hyung isn't really a touchy person "we're all here for you hyung" I rubbed his back calmingly before we pulled away "thank you Sunghoon" I smiled before we both left.


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