Awkward 🍽️

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Yeri POV
I woke up to someone shaking me gently, I opened my eyes to see Jake smiling at me "hey Yeri-shi dinners ready" I ran my hand through my messy hair and nodded "what time is it?" He handed me my phone "6:34" I nodded as he smiled before walking out "I'll wait for you to walk you down" I nodded as he shut the door.

I looked down at myself still wearing the same clothes from last night "ew" I scowled and walked towards the door "hey um Jake do you have any clothes I could borrow?" He smiled and nodded "one sec I'll be back" he hurriedly ran off.

He soon returned and handed me a T-shirt and trousers "they're my clothes sorry we don't have any girl clothes" I smiled softly and shook my head "it's fine thanks" I closed the door and got changed.

The T-shirt was massive on me but meh it suited my small body while the trousers kept falling down so I had to tie the lace part so I wouldn't be ass naked.

I opened the door and smiled at Jake "oh my god your tiny" I glared at him making him chuckle and ruffle my hair "should we go?" I nodded and waddled behind him, I barely know the guy why's he soo friendly?

We walked into the dining room and the smell made me want to drool Jesus I think I'm in love 😻, I stood behind Jake shyly "sit with me Yeri~" Sunoo dragged me excitedly to sit next to him at the table making me giggle at his cuteness.

Everyone started to grab for food while I sat awkwardly fiddling with the bottom of my shirt "come on Yeri tuck in" I looked at Heeseung and smiled shyly as I nodded.

Sunoo placed some chicken on my plate sweetly "thanks" he smiled brightly before handing me the plate, I poked the chicken with a fork not completely comfortable with the idea of eating with seven random boys "how come your not eating Yeri? Is my cooking that bad?"

I could tell Jay was teasing but I still felt bad making me shake my hands frantically "omg no no it's delicious I'm sorry" he chuckled and shook his head "don't apologise I was joking but eat before I scold you" I smiled shyly and nodded not used to receiving soo much care.

Everyone was in their own conversation except me eating silently "so Yeri tell us about yourself" lovely seven pairs of eyes all on me now. Great 😑.

I smiled nervously and nodded "ah well um I'm 18 years old, I love animals and um oh yeah I have two older brothers" they all smiled at me soo sweetly well except Sunghoon fukin twat seemed to hate me before knowing me.

"YOUR ONLY 18?!?! Your a baby~" I pouted as I glared at Jake "shut up your just old" he stuck his tongue out making me roll my eyes playfully "when's your birthday?" I turned to Niki "July, you?" He punched the air "fuk yes I'm older" everyone laughed at the idiots excitement "your still a kid Nishimura" he reacted by punching Jays arm as I giggled.

"You like animals?!?!?" I nodded shyly at Jakes excitement "sameeeee me, Jungwon, Niki and Sunghoon have dogs" my eyes lit up "really? Like here?" He nodded making me clap like a kid "I'll show you Layla after dinner" I nodded excitedly "I'll bring Maeumi" Jungwon butted in equally as thrilled.

"I'm bringing Bisco then" Niki smiled shyly making me giggle at his cuteness "okie" Sunoo looked at Sunghoon "why don't you bring Gaeul hyung?" Sunghoon glared at Sunoo "I don't want Gaeul to get scared of someone soo childish and loud" I looked down embarrassed as my anxiety rose.

"Sunghoon apologise right now that was out of place and rude" Sunghoon rolled his eyes at Heeseungs dominating voice "I'm full" he stood up and threw his dishes in the sink before leaving, I seemed to calm down after he left luckily no one noticed.

All the boys looked at me worried "I'm sorry about him he's not used to change" I smiled reassuringly "oh no it's fine" Heeseung looked at me unsure but nodded.

We finished up eating and Jake took me to his room with Jungwon, Niki and Sunoo tagging along, you know I'm sorta getting comfortable with these boys.

I mean Jay and Heeseung I don't really talk to but I can tell they care whereas Sunoo Jake Jungwon and Niki are childish like me so it's easy to get on with them and then there's Sunghoon who hates my existence so meh 6/7 is good enough.


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