Her secret past 😈

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Yeri POV
It's been a week since I found out that I'm pregnant and my baby bump is slowly forming so I decided I'd tell the boys today as were going out for a lunch date.

"Jagiya~" I giggled as I felt Jungwon wrap his arms around my waist "hey wonnie" he snuggled his face in my hair "won-ah I gotta get changed~" he groaned pecking my nose "we'll be waiting downstairs" I nodded as he left.......

"Jagiya~" I giggled as I felt Jungwon wrap his arms around my waist "hey wonnie" he snuggled his face in my hair "won-ah I gotta get changed~" he groaned pecking my nose "we'll be waiting downstairs" I nodded as he left

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I ran down to meet my boys "woah" they all stared at me making me bite my lip shyly "stop staring~" they chuckled as Sunghoon walked up to me pulling my waist so our bodies touched.

I looked down shyly "look at me angel" he lifted my chin as we stared into each others eyes "your gorgeous" I giggled hiding my face in his chest "shut up" he chuckled as Jake came and took my hand leading us to the limo.

We arrived at the restaurant after me and Niki screamed Michael Jackson songs on the way "I think imma go deaf from you two" I rolled my eyes punching Heeseung arm playfully "grandpa" he scowled as I walked in to the restaurant with Sunoo.

Heeseung got our reservation sorted so we were walked to our vip area "soo fancy" I looked around in awe as the boys chuckled "your soo precious darling" I turned red as Jay pecked my cheek.

I sat in between Sunghoon and Heeseung and BOTH of them hand their hands on my thigh "yall too handsy I wanna sit with my Sunny" I made grabby hands at Sunoo as Sunghoon scowled pulling my hand back "no your mine as well" I rolled my eyes as we ordered.

After the waiter person left I took a deep breath cutting the boys out of their conversations "guys I need to tell you something" all eyes turned to me "what is is Jagiya?"

I took a deep breath "just remember I love you guys and I hope this won't affect anything with us" even tho they did want me so they could 'mate' with me but well ignore that.

"Im pregnant"
"Im back Yeri baby"


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