Oops 🐺

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Yeri POV
It's been a month since I've been living with the boys and I'm finally telling them I'm moving out, Eun Chaes got an apartment now and I'd love to live with my best friend so I plan on moving this week.

I skipped my way down to Heeseungs office since I wanted to tell him first, I knocked on and was soon met with all the boys "hey Yeri whatcha doin here?" I smiled at Sunoo as I walked in "well since all of you are here it makes it easier" they all looked at me intrigued.

"I just wanna say thanks for saving me from my appa and giving me a roof over my head for the last month but I've talked to Chae and I've decided to move out" I looked at all of them with a wide smile waiting for a reaction but all I got was all of them looking down except Heeseung........who chuckled?

I raised a brow "what's funny?" Heeseung shook his head dismissively "ah it's just cute how you think you can just leave" what? I tilted my head confused "excuse me?" He fixed his suit and walked over to me.

He held my chin making me look him in the eyes "your not going anywhere princess" I stepped back "I'm sorry hee but you don't get to make that decision for me" he poked his cheek with his tongue and for a moment there I thought his eyes turned red but I must be seeing stuff.

"Your not leaving and that's final now I have work to do" I was really hurt with how unsupportive they were being but they don't have any control on me "I'm moving out within the week I just wanted to let you know" I went to reach for the door handle but was stopped by a hand "Jungwon?"

He shook his head "don't do this Yeri" why are none of them backing me? I snatched my hand away "I'm going Jungwon!" I reached for the door again but he pulled my arm and pinned me to the door "your not going anywhere love" OKAY I DEFINITELY SAW HIS EYES CHANGE AND FUKIN FANGS EHHH?!?!

He let me go and I stumbled "w-what w-was t-that?!" He sighed but stayed silent "WHAT THE FUK WAS THAT?!? I saw Heeseungs eyes change before and now Jungwon wtf is happening?!" Yet still they all stayed silent.

I pulled my hair "SPEAK FUKS SAKE" they all looked at me worried "your hiding some shit from me and I swear to god if you don't tell me I'm walking out that door and never coming back!!" They all looked at Heeseung waiting for his permission or some shit are they his fukin dogs god!

Heeseung nodded and sat on his table "okay we'll tell you" I folded my arms waiting "actually I'll show you" I furrowed my brows but the boys understood "hyung she's too young" Heeseung was about to reply to Jay but I butted in "I'm not a fukin kid."

Heeseung seemed to find that amusing as he nodded "exactly she can handle it" I nodded and waited when the craziest shit happened, Heeseungs body started to contort "H-Heeseung?" My lip trembled as I saw my friend turn into a dog like beast.

He got on all fours and smirked at me but before I could even react the rest of the boys changed as well, ALL OF THEM TURNED INTO FUKIN WEREWOLVES what is this kdrama cuz I didn't fukin sign up for this shit.

I stepped back terrified "Yeri pls-" Jake tried to approach me still in his werewolf form "STAY AWAY FROM ME!?!" I felt my eyes sting as tears threatened to fall.

My whole body was shaking, I reached for the door but Heeseung jumped forward and in a split second turned back to his human form and hovered over me "you can try running but there is no escape, sweetie your stuck with us" I can't do this shit.

I hastily opened the door and ran towards the front door, my body filled with adrenaline as I twisted the knob but then my whole world stopped "fuk" I banged on the door as I started to break down tears flowing nonstop.

"HELP" I kept banging but there was no use, I was trapped. I turned to see the boys all watching me "w-why?!" Niki tried to approach me but I shook my head "don't come near me" I could see the hurt on his face but I couldn't take anymore.

Heeseung stepped forward "Sunoo take her to her room" he was hesitant as he reached for my hand but I pulled it away "I can walk" he nodded as he led me upstairs to my room.

When we got there I walked in and immediately went to shut the door but I was stopped "you know we care about you Yeri, we wouldn't do anything to hurt you" I hmed emotionless and closed the door, I dragged myself to the bed and flopped down as tears continued to fall. When I finally thought my life was turning around.


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